Tag Archives: DC Comics

I’m Batman. You can be too.

You should dress for the job you want and not the job you have. Which explains why I spent the afternoon in the HR office dressed as Batman. I wish I could take credit for that joke but it’s not mine to claim. Still, I’m certain LEGO builder Riley Scott can appreciate the sentiment as evidenced by this wearable Batman mask. This is not Riley’s first rodeo with 1:1 scale wearable art. Here’s the Stormbringer from the Avengers: Infinity War and be sure to try D.C.s Atom outfit on for size. Also check out Starlord’s helmet. Riley seems to give equal love to both D.C. and Marvel, which just shows we’re all superhero dorks at heart, regardless of sides.

Wearable LEGO Batman Helmet

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Idea to actual: How we made some Wonder Woman LEGO Art [Feature]

Once a year, my long-distance partner Alyse Middleton and I, Chris Doyle, try to take a week of vacation together. With the realities of life in the USA in 2020 limiting the potential destinations, this time we opted for a “Quarencation” at my place. Kind of a bummer, but staying here kept us within easy reach of my LEGO workspace…and that paid out some nifty results. We were able to take an idea we had been kicking around all the way from concept to physical model. Working in the style of the new LEGO Art sets, we created a mosaic of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman.

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman - LEGO Art Style

I’d built a number of mosaics in the past, so I had a few ideas on how we could approach making a new one. And while that experience was helpful, we ended up taking a very different route to reach our goal. Come along with us on our journey of highs, lows, seemingly endless moments of “I guess we’re starting over again“, and, yes, eventual triumph.

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LEGO Brick Sketches featuring Star Wars and DC Comics portraits now available [News]

LEGO’s new Brick Sketches product line featuring brick-built portraits of popular characters is now available. The first four sets in the lineup include BB-8, a First Order Stormtrooper, Batman and The Joker.

The 2D portraits are the next collectible LEGO product line following BrickHeadz and are the work of recently hired LEGO designer Chris McVeigh who created the Brick Sketch concept several years ago (read our interview with him about how Brick Sketches became an actual LEGO product).

Take a look at the Brick Sketches sets available now.

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Build your own LEGO Miniland Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman characters [Instructions]

You can now determine the fate of the World’s Finest, aka Trinity, aka the three most popular characters in the DC Universe — Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman — by building them as LEGO Miniland characters using these video instructions created by Tiago Catarino in a collaboration together with Pedro Sequeira.

That 2×2 corner wedge plate used for Superman’s insignia has always reminded me of the Man of Steel, and I’m glad someone else sees that too! Up up and away!

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Want to know how I got these scars?

Gifted LEGO wizard Timofey Tkachev is a master of character work both large and small. If you’re not familiar, we interviewed him a couple years back. Last summer he shared an 80th anniversary Batman bust and now he’s the delivered the Caped Crusader’s most famous archnemesis, Joker. He even left a calling card.

Why So Serious?

It’s an arresting model, clearly modeled after Heath Ledger’s take from 2008’s The Dark Knight complete with smudged makeup and that oh-so-striking smile. This particular wicked grin is made up of crowbars and horns. The shocks of hair are, of course, a bounty of olive-colored limb elements.

Need more of the Clown Prince of Crime in your life? Be sure to check out Vincent’s recent Joker film take and George Paneteleon’s animated series-inspired rendition.

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Wonder Woman 1984 LEGO set revealed as 76157 Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah [News]

The newest LEGO DC Comics set has been revealed as 76157 Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah. Posted by Amazon.es earlier today, the set is based on the upcoming summer blockbuster Wonder Woman 1984. The set includes 371 pieces and will retail for US $39.99 | CAN $49.99 | UK £34.99 when it becomes available. We will bring you updates as more information becomes available.

The Warner Bros. film was originally slated for June 5th, though it has been delayed until August 14th because of the coronavirus. That change in scheduling may delay the release of this set, like several of the LEGO sets based on the upcoming Minions: The Rise of Gru movie. We have not seen the movie yet, so fair warning for possible spoilers in the set description below.

Click to get a closer look at the upcoming Wonder Woman LEGO set.

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I wonder who that boy is?

As a concept, Batman has some issues. In today’s world, a billionaire who gets his jollies from beating up the economically disadvantaged is…not a great look. Luckily there are some brighter aspects to his mythos to help balance things out. Robin became his kid sidekick back in 1940, and his bright costume and cheerful quips brought a little light to the Dark Knight. Oh, sure, you could point out that this was just adding “child endangerment” into the mix, but I’m trying very hard to be upbeat about things today. John Moffatt, at least, gives me a real reason to smile with this LEGO recreation of the Boy Wonder in Miniland scale.

Boy Wonder

Sure, some of these connections may not be 100% purist, but the Robin character has always been one to break the rules, at least a little bit. Headlight bricks are used for Robin’s shoulders, and also provide an interesting connection point for the not-quite-attached 1×2 tiles that create the angled shape for the gloves. I also like the cape, made out of click-hinge plates.

Is this just a start of a heroic run of Miniland figures like John’s Avatar collection back in 2015? Only time will tell. But I hope so.

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LEGO Collectible Minifigures 71026 DC Super Heroes Feel Guide [Review]

A few weeks ago we took a look at the latest wave of Collectible Minifigures, 71026 DC Super Heroes, with a full in-depth review. That in-depth review will give you insight into which minifigures you want to pick up, especially given this series represents the new high-water mark in pricing for individual CMF packs, ringing in at US $4.99 | CAN $4.99 | UK £3.49. As always, we source our reviews from a full case which we sort by feel before opening any packs. This means that we can also bring you one of the best feel guides on the internet, since we’ve handled each pack just like you would.

71026 Collectible Minifigures DC Super Heroes are available now at LEGO.com for US $4.99 | CAN $4.99 | UK £3.49, as well as from third-party sellers on Amazon and eBay.

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Your guide to 153 new LEGO sets now available for 2020, including City, Technic, Star Wars, Architecture and more [News]

2020 has arrived and the floodgates of LEGO have opened with 153 new sets available today. Fans of Star Wars, Technic, Ninjago, City, Architecture, Creator 3-in-1 and even the new Trolls product line have a lot to choose from. The new modular Bookstore is available today as is a new white baseplate. Nearly every LEGO theme has some new sets–it can be a lot to process!– so we have your complete guide right here detailing each and every new set and item.

Some regions have seen these sets on shelves already, but now they are all available online. There are a few sets that really stand out to us, and you can see the complete list of all 153 sets and items after the jump.

See the entire January 2020 wave of new LEGO sets now available

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LEGO Collectible Minifigures 71026 DC Super Heroes: Getting back to the comics [Review]

LEGO’s latest wave of Collectible Minifigures theme is about to arrive, and this time it’s heading to the world of superheroes. Following September’s Series 19 lineup of classic characters, 71026 DC Super Heroes features a cast of famous (and not-so-famous) comic book characters from DC. The Collectible Minifigure, or CMF, line is no stranger to superheroes, having featured many superheroes and supervillains in The LEGO Movie and The LEGO Batman Movie series, but this is the first time LEGO is pulling inspiration for blind pack superheroes directly from their original sources: comic books. Expected to release in near the end of December, they will retail for US $4.99 | CAN $4.99 | UK £3.49. The DC Super Heroes series consists of 16 characters, several of which are appearing in LEGO form for the first time. Be sure to also check out our DC Super Heroes Minifigures Feel Guide.

Click to read the full, hands-on review

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First pictures of 71026 LEGO DC Comics Collectible Minifigures are available online [News]

Today, Japanese retailer Bic Camera has published the first official pictures of the upcoming 71026 LEGO DC Comics Collectible Minifigures collection. With 16 minifigures to collect, the collection includes minifigures of some of the most iconic DC characters, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Joker, Classic Cheetah, Aquaman, Bat-Mite, Flash, Green Lantern and many more. The minifigures are slated to be in stores no earlier than January 2020; regional prices are yet to be confirmed.

Click here to see more pictures…

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A wearable LEGO Atom suit, though it won’t shrink anything but your wallet

While most people would agree that the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as a whole, is vastly superior to the competing DC product, the same cannot be said of the television properties, where the CW’s “Arrowverse” shows have been both successful and watchable. A minor character first introduced in Arrow, Atom (a.k.a. Ray Palmer), gets more screen time in the spin-off Legends of Tomorrow, and his shrinking suit is built in wearable (by a normal-sized human) scale LEGO by Brickatecture moc industries. Like the MCU’s Ant-Man, Atom can vary his size by using highly advanced technology contained in his suit, giving him the ability to get into tiny spaces or to grow huge, though it should be noted that Atom was first published in the comics in 1961 and Ant-Man didn’t debut until…1962. The suit in Legends of Tomorrow also allows Ray to fly and shoot energy bolts from his hands, and probably other things as well, so it ends up being something of a cross between Ant-Man and Iron Man.

LEGO A.T.O.M. Suit Armor

Now, I won’t pretend to be able to identify the technical parts of the suit, but it looks great with its dark blue and red color scheme, and the connectors formed of pin connectors and Mixel joints give the thing a splash of contrast and flexibility to be worn. I don’t know how sturdy it is, but it definitely looks like it would be fun to wear around at a convention for a while, at least until you wanted to sit down. This is not the first bit of wearable LEGO superhero swag that Brickatecture moc industries has built; check out his Infinity Gauntlet, Star-Lord mask, and Venom mask here!

LEGO A.T.O.M. Suit Armor

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