Tag Archives: BrickHeadz

The next seasonal LEGO BrickHeadz set, 40352 Scarecrow is revealed [News]

The chubby Halloween LEGO BrickHeadz 40351 Ghost is joined by another excellent fall character, 40352 Scarecrow. The build shall include about 140 pieces and become available September 1, but this is yet to be confirmed.

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LEGO continues the BrickHeadz theme with 40351 Ghost this Halloween [News]

LEGO seems to be slowing its BrickHeadz release cycle, but it’s not done creating the cute brick-built characters just yet. LEGO has just published images of the newest set in the line, 40351 Ghost. Presumably a Halloween seasonal item following in the vein of similar sets for the past several years, we expect the Ghost to cost $10 USD and be released sometime in the next month or two. The Ghost will be BrickHeadz number 83, and it includes 136 pieces.

Click to see more, including previews of 3 more upcoming LEGO BrickHeadz

LEGO BrickHeadz 40367 Lady Liberty officially revealed [News]

LEGO is going all-in on the Statue of Liberty lately, having just released a huge new Architecture set of the famous American landmark last year and featuring a post-apocalyptic version in The LEGO Movie 2, with the huge accompanying Apocalypseburg set headlining the movie tie-ins. Now the emblem of freedom is getting another LEGO makeover with a BrickHeadz set, 40367 Lady Liberty. There’s no word yet on when the set will be released, but it’s a good bet it will be June 1 to have it out in stores well ahead of American Independence Day on July 4. The set has 153 pieces, and will likely retail for $9.99 USD.

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By the power of BrickHeadz

Since 1982, He-Man and Skeletor have been entwined in an epic planetary battle for some reason. In the TV series The Toys That Made Us, the He-Man episode explains that even the designers at Mattel admitted their idea was light on plot. Also, controlled substances may have been involved. After all, these are the designers who came up with characters like Fisto, Stinkor and Snout Spout. Still, their Masters of the Universe line was a raging success and sparked the imaginations of kids in the 80s and more than a few adults now. One such adult is Eric Druon, who has captured He-Man and Skeletor’s likeness nicely as LEGO BrickHeadz. By the power of Grayskull, I have the power…to be adorable!


Building “Brick” Obama

Former U.S. President Barack Obama has become a BrickHeadz character, complete with a stately looking LEGO rendition of the Oval Office. Irish builder jarekwally built this display for a local LEGO event called Brick Obama, named after the Barack Obama Plaza shopping center where the event was held. Why is there a shopping center in Ireland named after Obama? As it turns out, the former president’s great-great-grandfather once lived in the Irish village of Moneygall. I learned something new!

Brick Obama

Have a closer look at this brick-built Oval Office.

Napoleon Brick-aparte

The more skeptical of LEGO fans might think that the BrickHeadz formula was wearing thin, but once again Cindy Su proves us all wrong. Taking Jacques Louis David’s famous painting Bonaparte Crossing the Great St Bernard Pass, she achieves the inconceivable, rendering it not only in bricks, but as a BrickHeadz model. Of course, the joke’s not lost on us, transforming this piece of heroic propaganda into something innately cute and relatable, not to mention taking a pop at Napoleon’s notoriously diminutive stature. The piece uses some neat forced perspective, making it appear to leap from its mosaic background. It also makes me wonder just how much further the simple BrickHeadz theme can be pushed — quite a long way I suspect if Cindy keeps building like this.

The world famous art collections-「Napoleon Crossing the Alps/拿破崙越過阿爾卑斯山」

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the LEGO BrickHeadz 40349 Puppy [Review]

Have you noticed it’s the middle of February already? This means that Saint Valentine’s Day is here, and with it the explosion of hearts and flowers. And if you or your valentine is bored with chocolates and roses, how about getting a bit more creative? LEGO BrickHeadz 40349 Puppy, which hit the shelves on Jan 1, is LEGO’s ultimate answer to everyone in search of an adorable present. The set consists of 150 pieces and retails for just $9.99/£9.99.

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Friends in the rain: LEGO BrickHeadz Totoro and Satsuki

It would take a hard heart not to be moved by Kendall Brown‘s adorable digital LEGO Totoro and Satsuki. As with his Elf and Narwhal and Wizard of Oz characters, which we recently featured, it’s a perfect example of how to build in the BrickHeadz theme. In this case it’s the selection of cartoon tile eyes, perfectly spaced, which captures Totoro’s quizzical expression and lifts the build to another level. Mix in all those extra touches like the flicks in Satsuki’s hair, Totoro’s tummy fur, and atmospheric Photoshop rain and you have a fitting tribute to one of the greatest animated films of all time.

Totoro & Satsuki - BrickHeadz Moc

A classic crew of BrickHeadz, off to see the Wizard

I have to be honest, I’m not exactly sure what the latest craze with The Wizard of Oz is all about, with the characters even showing up in The LEGO Movie 2 and its latest minifigure line! Nevertheless, I do have to agree that the film is one of the greatest classics of all time. A couple of cool LEGO builders must certainly also agree, because Kendall Brown and Scott Moore have created renders of the cast in expert BrickHeadz fashion.

Lego Ideas - Wizard of OZ Modular BrickHeadz

Click to journey down the yellow brick road!

LEGO BrickHeadz from The LEGO Movie 2 revealed [News]

Today LEGO has revealed four BrickHeadz based on The LEGO Movie 2 in a roundabout way, thanks to uploading the instructions to LEGO.com. The four characters are the film’s main characters, 41634 Emmet, 41635 Wyldstyle, 41636 Benny, and 41637 Sweet Mayhem. They’re numbered BrickHeadz 88-91. While we don’t have the official release date or price yet, it’s a safe bet that they’ll fall into the standard $10-per-figure range. Check them out below, and read our spoiler-free review of The LEGO Movie 2!

 41634 Emmet

Click to see all four new BrickHeadz

Custom BrickHeadz Statue of Liberty stands proud

There are few American landmarks more iconic than Lady Liberty herself, so it is no wonder she has inspired so many LEGO builders to pay her tribute in brick. This famous statue even became an official LEGO product in the form of LEGO Architecture 21042 Statue of Liberty, which was a good source for sand green elements. This adorable BrickHeadz style model by baby lego uses some of those parts, along with a scaled down base that was inspired by the official set. She looks more than ready to welcome minifigures into New Brick City!

Statue of Liberty

A fairwell from Mr. Narwhal

Christmas may be over, but Buddy the elf is the kind of guy you want to hang out with all year round!  This BrickHeadz rendering by Kendall Brown (headzsets)  isn’t quite possible in real life with available part colors, but it sure is cute! Buddy’s pal, Mr. Narwhal, comes to the surface at the beginning of the movie to wish him luck in finding his real father. He’s a pretty adorable character, and looks fabulous in LEGO form.

Bye Buddy, I Hope You Find Your Dad.