Tag Archives: Dinosaurs

LEGO dino is beauto

I know we blog a lot of aurore&aube‘s dinosaurs. But that’s because they’re so good and so well photographed. Enjoy carnotaurus.

carnotaurus 003

2012 LEGO sets out early from LEGO Shop online [News]

In a surprising turn of events, you’ll be able to get next year’s LEGO sets directly from LEGO, rather than watching them trickle in (frequently at inflated prices) at big box toy stores: LEGO informs us that they’ve just listed a substantial number of the January 2012 LEGO sets on the LEGO Shop website.

Everyone already knows that I’m most excited (oddly enough) about the newest LEGO Cityicon sets, what with their hillbilly moonshiners and rampaging bears. 4440 Forest Police Stationicon includes a bear, along with a hillbilly in a tree. There are eight other 2012 LEGO Cityicon sets out as well.


LEGO dinosaurs return from extinction with the new LEGO Dinoicon sets. 5887 Dino Defense HQicon includes a T-Rex, Raptor and Coelophysis, while 5885 Triceratops Trappericon has the horned dino we all know and love.


LEGO has listed nearly 30 new sets in half a dozen categories, so head on over and check them out.

Dinosaurs return to LEGO with 2012 LEGO Dino sets [News]

I’m not sure where Brickshelfer grogall has gotten all the official photos of 2012 LEGO sets, but I keep finding more high-res photos of upcoming sets. The latest is the “Dino” line, reminiscent of the Dino Attack/Dino 2010 sets from a few years ago.

5885 Triceratops Trapper includes a tan triceratops with a bulky 4×4 vehicle:

LEGO 2012 Dino 5885 set

The new dinosaurs reflect the improvements to animal molds and printing we’ve seen recently in other themes. The Tyrannosaurus rex in 5886 T-Rex Hunter looks simultaneously more LEGO-like and realistic (at least compared to the LEGO dinosaurs from the Dino Attack sets).

I’ll withhold judgment on the vehicle designs until I see them in person (presumably in January), but I really like what I’m seeing of the creatures.

Meet Pokey the Technic Triceratops

Remi can build dinosaurs, no question about it. I saw Pokey at BrickCon last year but these new pictures were just posted online. Pokey is even more awesome in person. Very awesome. You can see the entire set here, including BrickCon pictures.


(My apologies to Alyse if she built Pokey. The tags said “Remi” so I went with that.)

Heaps of good LEGO stuff

Has it been international LEGO building weekend or something? I’ve got a whole stack of new and great models popping up in my flickr stream today and I’m not really sure why. So you get a roundup post of Aurore&Aube, Soren Roberts, Anthony Sava, Pete Reid and zachmoe.

modified Triceratops002Transportation
HC Series RobotCoccineous

T-rex skeleton still looks hungry

Jonathan (legomocs) finished his T-rex skeleton and it is beautiful. The challenge of tacking such a complex organic shape is formidable, but Jonathan pulled it off. This is a very respectable build.


While this creation may not quite be Grimlock from the Transformers, it IS a robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex. Built by Alyse and Remi (or maybe only one of them, but it’s a shared flickr account) this creation really packs in the details. Plus, it’s got style.

I’m enjoying the mix of functional and decorative on this model. Many of the joints are geared, but there appear to be others used for visual effect. The various bar shapes lead to an image of a cage over the functional bits. Add in a perfectly expressive face (after all, a T-Rex should only have to look scary) and you’re left with a truly excellent creation.

LEGO Robo-Rex

Who says Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn’t a lovely blue and tan?

Not aurore&aube, whose excellent T-Rex looks like it’s just stepped from the Jurassic onto a modern city street.

LEGO Tyrannosaurus Rex

(What color is tan on the official LEGO color palette?)

Thanks for the tip, -Disty-!

There’s nothing like a peaceful garden...and a dinosaur

Tiberium Blue‘s minifig gardeners have carved a pretty nifty dinosaur topiary. It looks like its going to walk off any minute.

Mommy Rex is very angry...

Mike Psiaki (who is no stranger to being blogged) has built a climatic scene from The Lost World: Jurassic Park that is better than the movie it was based upon!



Also check out Mike’s three Pteranodon and Parasaurolophus:



EDIT: fixed errors, thanks Dr. Paleo!

Mike’s T-rex is hungry

Mike Psiaki‘s ferocious T-Rex looks like it’s hungry for prey. It might as well feed off Mike’s other two newest dinos: the triceratops and brachiosaurus.

Classic Creations: Henry Lim’s Stegosaurus

I’ve been looking at some of the older creations that inspired me when I first discovered the online Lego community and I realized that many people may not have seen these. We never featured them here on The Brothers Brick for the simple reason that the blog didn’t exist then. So, from time to time, I am going to highlight some the classic creations of years gone by.

First up is a Stegosaurus by Henry Lim. Selected to be a Lugnet Cool Site of the Week in November of 2000, this Stegosaurus still has the ability to amaze.