Tag Archives: Monster

Nightmare predator will devour you and your whole town

It is entirely possible to be fascinated by a LEGO creation and terrified at the same time. Take this monstrous creature by Ballom Nom Nom, for example. Without a minifig for scale, it is easy to imagine this fellow (named a Grenchler by its creator) stomping through your city, skewering a train or bus on its horn, or squishing a group of terrified tourists underfoot. Speaking of horns, the upward curving protrusion reminds me of the Kaiju from Pacific Rim. Also, there is something unnatural about the three eyes along the edge of the mouth that I can’t explain. I love it, and it will probably stalk my dreams.


Creature from the Brick Lagoon

Logey Bear’s latest LEGO build was inspired by the Creature from the Black Lagoon and includes a number of scary-good part choices. Front and center is an alien clinger from the Alien Conquest theme bringing fun curvy details to the face. It pairs exceptionally well with the minifigure arms that surround the eyes. A pair of bigfig arms are cleverly used as upper legs and several pairs of flippers are used for the webbed feet and gills.

Gill Man

Simon’s sinuous psychedelic sea serpent

Can you count all the different LEGO colors used in this psychedelic sea serpent by Simon NH? We counted at least 20, but we may have missed some. What’s incredible about this creation is that it uses so many different colors, but still manages to feel coherent and striking. That’s because sets of related colors are grouped strategically: greens are used for the underbelly; lavenders and purples are used for the sides; and reds and pinks are on the top.

Well, here I am, my little one

There’s a lot to love in terms of parts usage too. The use of spring legs on the nose singlehandedly justifies the existence of the oft-maligned LEGO NBA sets for me. Using flags for the spines accentuates the sinuous nature of the whole build. I would love to see an Ultimate Collector’s Series-style set with this level of detail in the LEGO Elves theme.

Dagon the Great Leviathan strikes a pose!

If you are going to build a giant bubble gum-coloured leviathan, you absolutely want to showcase its serpentine movement. This was builder Jayfa’s intention when designing this mythical beast, which is its second iteration in a quest for greater poseability. Abandoning Bionicle connections for more traditional LEGO bricks and ratchet joints he has created a more substantial looking, fully posable monster that twists and turns without additional support. Add to this some neat part use in the form of the threaded bricks to create its flexed tail, and conical Ninjago hats to suggest cheeks for its maw, and you have a perfectly realised beast.
Now that is just showing off!Dagon

Prepare yourself for a nasty turn

Will this Halloween Week of Wonders never cease? Apparently not! There’s more than meets the eye with these awesome little studs-out Halloween figurines by accomplished young LEGO sculptor Will Ho. Each one has a different mechanical “reveal” – click to watch the video demonstrations. I particularly like the design of the Invisible Man – very clever indeed!

Halloween Monster - Dracula Frankenstein !!!!!!
Halloween Pumpkin Man Halloween monsters - Invisible Man

Guess who’s coming to dinner

In what can only be described as “best part usage of the month”, Paddy Bricksplitter used the oversized minifig head from his LEGO Art Carousel to create this perfectly staged vignette entited “Attack Of The 50 foot mini figure“. Although I think “50 inch” would have done pretty well too!

I’m digging the trendy furnishings of this downtown apartment, which appear to include a Mondrian, and the forced perspective skyscrapers in the background, and OH MY GOD THERE’S A GIANT HEAD OUTSIDE THE WINDOW (ノ゚ο゚)ノ

WoW factor

Internal lighting is always a great way to enhance a LEGO model, and here’s a very creative example. With the application of wires, LEDs, a drill, and a Power Miners head piece, Korean builder Bangoo H has managed to create a pretty convincing Infernal from the game World of Warcraft.

Check out the builder’s blog for plenty of behind the scenes construction photos.

A different approach to Modular Housing

There are many, many things that make me exceedingly happy about this creation. The color use. The stunning architecture. The lovely painting that inspired it. The full interior. The fact that Sebastiaan Arts (Aliencat) has posted something magnificent, after a lengthy hiatus.

Also, the fantastical creature doing terrible things on the first floor. That’s definitely a plus. Watch it in motion.

Dragon Kill

In his posting for this model on Flickr, builder A Plastic Infinity composed a list of reason why prospective viewers should take the time and leave a comment. Most of them were fairly boilerplate self promotional offerings like “Because it’s my favorite!” and “the photos are good this time.”, but my favorite was definitely “Medusa tails!“. How can I possibly argue with that logic?…so enjoy the Medusa tails, and the rest of this scene from an up and coming builder.

Dragon Kill

Although I blogged the creature a few months ago in a Sunday round-up, the builder has since added a decorative base and is therefore worth a second look. Enjoy “Quane in Wonderland.

Quane in Wonderland