Tag Archives: VelociJACKtor

Aye-aye-aye... Is our reaction to this surprisingly creepy jungle critter

Long-time TBB readers will know that our unofficial mascot is a lemur. Why? Well, not only is A. Lemur our resident dogsbody, he’s also the cutest* member of the TBB team, and therefore best suited to the role. Don’t tell him, obviously – he’ll ask for a snack raise, and he already pretends to be the boss when Andrew isn’t looking. In all seriousness, we should count ourselves lucky; we could have ended up with something creepier, like Velocijacktor‘s aye-aye. Now these little primates can be pretty un-nerving in the flesh, at least if Google Images is anything to go by. But rendered in Bionicle pieces, and eyeing up that poor little beetle, suddenly it looks like an other-wordly horror. Yep, we can be content that we just have to contend with our lemu-hey! No! For the last time, the server cables are not for eating!

Aye Aye

*relatively speaking, of course

Going rogue in the Bio-Cup

The Bio-Cup, an annual tournament for LEGO constraction builders, has grown to become one of the biggest events on the LEGO fan calendar. The preliminary round has concluded and 27 builders advanced to Round 2, where each is assigned a D&D type character class as a theme. VelociJACKtor, whose first round entry tugged our heartstrings, is first across the line in Round 2 with his “Wandering Assassin,” in the “Rogue” category.  The assassin is an elegant figure armed with a Bionicle blade and a face/mask borrowed from Garma Mecha Man. The highlight, though, has to be the rogue’s mount, a lovely robot mixing Bionicle and Technic parts, topped with a System saddle, which gives new meaning to the phrase “rubbernecking.” VelociJACKtor has given the pair such a personality, one can’t help but be curious about their harrowing travels across a techno-fantasy landscape.

Wandering Assassin

While we wait to see who makes it to Round 3, be sure to check out our Bio-Cup archives.

In space, no one can hear your heart break

With the new alien movie coming to theaters this summer, the offspring of sci-fi’s scariest endoparasite is back. An endoparasite is defined as a creature that lives or is born inside another animal, like the appropriately named chest-burster built in LEGO by VelociJACKtor wrapped around some poor soul’s heart. Small gears make the perfect set of teeth, while a curved white shoulder piece from the buildable Obi-Wan figure forms the iconic rounded forehead. I can almost hear the squelching….

In Utero

Note the charisma of the LEGO Chasmosaurus

Blending a mix of System and Technic LEGO elements, this lizard of the Cretaceous Period by VelociJACKtor makes for a striking silhouette clad all in black. When working in a single color, shaping is everything, and JACK applies their palette of pieces perfectly to recreate the massive frill of this ancient beast. The rest of the dino is fleshed out with a combination of slopes and wedge plates, posed thanks to plenty of hinge parts of all varieties. The only pop of color is a bed of white and pink flowers at its feet, only adding to the visage of this shadowy ‘saur.

Three-Horned Bloom

Rodan rounds out the kaiju ruckus!

If you’ve been paying attention recently you may have seen sightings of King Ghadorah, Mothra and the King of Monsters, Godzilla. Now VelociJACKtor’s Rodan rounds out the big LEGO kaiju battle in all his fiery-red glory. There’s something just so pleasing about a group of friends building amazing creations based on the same theme. Seeing and writing about these legendary monsters has been like watching a Creature Double Feature…twice! I’m flooded with fond memories of childhood, popcorn, and campy kaiju movies right after the Saturday morning cartoons. Thanks for the memories, friends!


If you love kaiju and other creepy creatures as much as I do, then check out our monsters archive for a wild ruckus indeed.

The Jaw Titan is all about unsavory business. Probably

You may remember our Attack Titan featured yesterday. Well, I get the feeling it might be the first of many Titans in your immediate future. A group of friends, including a LEGO builder who goes by the name of VelociJACKtor has built a slew of gruesome Titans from the Attack on Titan anime/manga and now we’re all thrilled and maybe a little perplexed. This Jaw Titan is so strong that even its biceps have pecks and abs. It also has a cool…um…face. That’s all I know. I’ll admit, just like my colleague who penned the previous article, I have not watched or read the source material in which these characters come from but I still love these builds we’ve been seeing anyway. According to some commenters, not knowing the source material that we write about should be grounds for firing. But the joke is on you as we were never hired in the first place! We just sort of loiter around here like that one guy in front of 7-11.

Jaw Titan

We are Wanderers of the Void

In a LEGO world of massive spaceships and castles, sometimes it’s the simpler things that really draw your attention.Take these Wanderers of the Void, for instance. They were built by someone who goes by the name of VelociJACKtor. I’m equal parts flummoxed, intrigued, weirded out and awestruck, which is pretty good for such a simple LEGO creation. Who are they? What void do they wander? Are there any others like them? Did they do all that wandering in those shoes? This pair generates more questions than answers. But that pretty much makes them the most intriguing things I’ve seen all day. What do you all think?

Wanderers of the Void

Sigurd’s Demise

This LEGO creation by VelociJACKtor reminds me of the Nexo Knights LEGO theme. The theme itself was a love-it-or-hate-it kind of theme. If I recall correctly a lot of fans were hoping for a castle theme revival. But they ended up getting not quite what they were hoping for. The theme did however come with a lot of cute knight robots. The little knight in VelociJACKtor’s creation reminds me of these. The dragon neck and head by itself is a lovely build composed of a handful of parts that can be found in numerous LEGO buildable figure sets.

Sigurd’s Demise

Hello there, General Grievous

TBB newcomer VelociJACKtor has built the dastardly leader of the Separatist’s droid army from Star Wars. I dig the textured dark grey legs and ribs juxtaposed against the smooth tan armor plates. The arms also split as appropriate for the General’s main gimmick. As expected for a model depicting one of the most nefarious — if incompetent — villains in the Star Wars films, General Grievous has several fine lightsabers in his collection from hunting Jedi after being trained by Count Dooku. Maybe the next LEGO Grievous will have a new one.

General Grievous

Not getting enough Grievous in your life? Here’s a model from Marcin Otreba from last summer, or check out the official sets from 2008 and 2015.