Tag Archives: Event

LEGO fan events and conventions happen all over the world, from LEGO Fanwelt in Germany to BrickCon in Seattle. Follow along at home with our coverage of the people, news, and models from events everywhere.

Toy Fair 2008 reveals late 2008 LEGO sets [News]

Toy Fair 2008 is approaching and there have been pictures of the late 2008 sets circulating on the web. I found Joe Meno with some of the first pictures of themes including Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Speed Racer, Bionicle, and Batman.

Update (AB): Ace Kim also has extensive pictures from Toy Fair 2008, nicely organized into photosets with lots of great details — prices, release dates, etc.:

Congratulations to CC’s newest Master Builder!

Aaron Andrews took home the title in the recent Colossal Castle Contest V!

Our favorite Aussie won one category (Castle Spaces) and was Honorably Mentioned in three others. A big hurrah and round of applause for Aaron!

And the results are in!

Well, we’ve been holding our breath, waiting for the results of the Colossal Castle Contest V, and the winners have all been announced! (Actually, they were announced a while ago, but I’ve been too busy to post them here. Bad Josh, bad Josh!)

A most hearty congratulations to the winners!

Check them out here:

Noone’s Fortune

I present you another black fantasy creature, this time in a post-apoc setting. There’s gold on the ground, but gold is worthless when there’s no one to spend it.

Interested in building something similar? I’ve just announced a black fantasy contest over at Classic Space, but you don’t have to be a member of the forum to participate. There will be prizes!

Classic Beetle LEGO set revealed at Frechen [News]

Joachim S. Müller attended the big LEGO event in Frechen, Germany and has posted over a hundred photos on Flickr.

Last year’s show yielded the first photos of the upcoming Classic Beetle set, so it’s fitting that the final version would be shown this year:

Lookin’ good!

News: Don and dW’s Steam-Wars contest on FBTB

Don Solo and dWhisper on FBTB Forums have started an interesting contest that should generate some very cool LEGO creations. The idea is simple: Recreate any Star Wars vehicle in a steampunk style.

As a (small) example of the sort of design the judges are going for, Don posted this adorable little steampunk R2-D2:

I can’t wait to see what sort of cool vehicles people will come up with.


Head on over to LEGO TV and check out some video coverage of NWBC 07 and Brickfest PDX.

Via news from LUGNET.

Happy Thanksgiving from Clancy!

May you eat like a troll and weigh in like a pixie!

Mini Castle Contest III: Winners Announced!

MCC III is over, has been judged, and the winners announced! This contest (always a favorite of mine!) always generates tons of excellent microscale creations. This year was no different! Congratulations to the winners and runners up and a big thank you to Robin Hood for running this contest. Its been a great three years!

And the winners are:
1st Place – JediMasterWagner

2nd Place – Sir Nelson

3rd Place – Lord Felix

Runners Up:



Colossal Castle Contest V has been announced!

Hey all you castle-lovers out there!

Classic-Castle has announced their fifth annual Colossal Castle Contest! Let me tell you, these are a blast. I’ve entered every year and they just keep getting better and better.

Check out the prizes and the rules, then get building!

Breaking News: TOR Omicron is no more!

You all remember Omicron Weekend by KeithLUG, right? I hope you do. Because its gone. Like, forever. Like giant, robot, Mecha-Godzilla gone…

Check out the carnage….

The Brothers Brick would like to extend our condolences to Mike, Ryan, and Keith (and, of course, the Monkey).

BrickCon 2007 Day 3 Report

Based on the three I’ve attended, the last day of LEGO conventions primarly seem to involve three activities:

  • Invasions: Space invades castle, castle invades town, I invade myself…
  • Group photos: Pictures of fellow builders, secret societies, and mysterious online organizations…
  • Teardown: Pack it up and haul it (or ship it) home!

People who’ve uploaded photos since Saturday (includes photos through Sunday):


Group Photos

Builders’ Lounge:




Nathan Proudlove ships himself back to Manitoba in his Blacktron II box (I get to keep the SHIP):

This is how The Omicron Weekend got home:

I’ll add more stuff tomorrow (interesting news as well as cool LEGO creations). That’s it for tonight!