Tag Archives: Halloween

Don’t go upstairs after midnight!

In the online LEGO fan community, Mattila Heikki is well known for his realistic miniland-scale interior designs. While his recent creation is technically still an interior design, it is markedly different from his usual style. Mattila has built in classic styles before, but we’ve never seen a creepy haunted house before.

Haunted House

Mattila’s latest scene is all about perspective, achieved by the stairway and its railing–what would often be a small part of a scene, but is frame to take up nearly half the picture here. The lights on the wall give a sense of the hallway continuing on to the left and right for an unsettlingly long time and the colours set a moody and mysterious tone. If you’re staying here and have to use the toilet at night, it might be a better idea to wait until morning.

Protect your pumpkin!

What would the Headless Horseman look like in 2018? Patrick Biggs is re-imagining the famous character from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and now the horse is gone, replaced by an awesome bike inspired by Mel Finelli’s works. Instead of a pair of leather boots, here are sneakers, with a design borrowed from Luke Staten. But it’s the posture and the motion of the figure that makes everything work together. Even though we don’t see the face, no doubt, this guy is having the time of his life this Halloween!

Happy Halloween: Wear a Helmet

Howling at the moon

The moon is full and Halloween is just around the corner; it’s the perfect season to start building spooky. Kelvin Low takes his inspiration from the LEGO wolf head element found in the CHI Worriz Legends of Chima set; literally hanging the articulated body off this single piece, as demonstrated in his accompanying build video. The cleverly scaled ratios created between the muscular torso and the smaller head hints at an otherworldly strength. All that’s left to do is tilt wolfie’s head back and watch him howl.


You may not like spiders, but don’t you love the fear of spiders?

Can you imagine a happy Halloween without a truly terrifying insect, a spider? Fortunately for us, Tobias Buckdahn has stumbled on a very creepy one in his backyard. Eight blood-red eyes? Check. An ugly hairy body? Check! Eight long hideous legs..? Oh… More like six hideous legs and a couple of nasty claws! You’d better run for your life, Tobias!

Happy Halloween

Frankie and Vlad, frightfully good friends

Check out this great LEGO bust of Frankenstein’s Monster by Letranger Absurde. Great use of the Mixel eyes to add character to Frankie-boy’s expression, and all the requisite neck bolts and forehead staples are present and correct. But the best bit for me is the extra angle added to the neckline of the t-shirt. It’s little touches like that which separate brilliant models from good ones — tiny details which aren’t required but are the mark of fantastic building.

Frankenstein Monster Bust

Frankie isn’t alone of course, maybe that’s why he looks a little pensive. Old Dracula himself is lurking around. No doubt getting ready to head out into the night and feast on the bricks of the living…

Dracula Bust

I want my Mummy

Tyler has been putting together a range of scary LEGO faces for Hallowe’en this year. Here’s a selection, starting off with an excellent bandage-wrapped Mummy. The shaping is perfect, and the angled tiles as cloth strips work perfectly in this style. The teeth look appropriately jagged and broken, and those eyes peeking through gaps in the bandages are properly creepy. This is one of those LEGO models which looks really simple, but I bet took multiple rebuilds to get just right.


Tyler’s also been kind enough to provide us with a drooling zombie — complete with cracked skull leaking brains…


And it wouldn’t be Hallowe’en without a scary pumpkin carving, would it? Tyler obliges with this cracking little model — a combination of brilliant shaping and smart, restrained colour choices…


Zombie dance off is a real thriller

It’s close to midnight, and something evil’s lurking in the dark. It’s LEGO Zombie Michael Jackson, who definitely appears to have the soul for getting down. I spotted one of those red hinges in a brick box and thought it looked a little like a leg. An hour’s building later and Michael appeared, strutting his zombie stuff. It’s a simple model, but I was pleased with the chunky cartoony vibe he’s giving off…
It's close to midnight...
And just in case you missed it previously, Hallowe’en seems like the perfect excuse to remind you about LEGO 7‘s amazing Zombie Michael — a model considerably more complicated than mine! The face and hair are excellent, and I love the overall poseability. Don’t miss that single white glove too — a nice touch (although not strictly correct if we’re being geeks about Thriller-outfit accuracy).

PVZ Michael Jackson

Come and play with us, for ever and ever and ever

Take a ride on your tricycle down the hall — just look who you might bump into. It’s the iconic Grady Twins from The Shining, recreated in LEGO by Matt Forrest. The use of the Alice In Wonderland minifigure reversed is very clever in capturing the look of the girls’ outfits. It’s not often plastic bricks manage to send a shiver down the spine, but this creation does the job.

The Grady Twins

‘Cos I ain’t got no body

Here comes Duncan The Dancing Skeleton — a LEGO creation for Hallowe’en that’s equal parts cooky and spooky. Great work on those bones by Logey Bear. I particularly like the ribcage fashioned from Bionicle claws, the Belville spoon as a nose, and the use of pith helmets for eye sockets. However, it’s the jauntily-angled hat and cane which lend the model its fabulous sense of character.

Duncan the Dancing Skeleton

Resurrect Overwatch heroes from their graves

I must admit, I constructed this LEGO version of Mercy from Overwatch in her Halloween witch outfit, after some frustration with the game’s loot box rewards. Loot boxes won’t give me Witch Mercy? That’s fine, I’ll build my own! At BrickFair Virginia 2016, I picked up some claw and horn pieces in bright light yellow, thinking they would be useful as blonde hair on a character build, and I’m glad they worked out well as Mercy’s hairstyle.

Witch Mercy

Get organized for Halloween!

Halloween is no doubt the most creative of all holidays. We decorate our houses, we design and sew awesome costumes and, of course, build the most terrific LEGO creations. But before bringing to life any of your holiday ideas, make sure you have your tools ready. Johnnie Brick Xavier decorates his work desk not only with the most functional brick-built organizer I’ve ever seen, but also the spookiest one. Lots of bonus points for this set of matching stationary — at first, I believed the tiny calendar was a printed LEGO tile!

Muji Notebook Holder

You’d better not trick these Angry Birds on Halloween

When Angry Birds come knocking on your door howling “Trick or Treat!” you’d better hope you’ve got some full-sized candy bars in your bowl, or you might find your spooky yard besieged by feathered terrors. These fantastic little LEGO foul birds were crafted by James Zhan, and they look delightfully upset at your “healthy” snacks.

Halloween Angry Birds