Monthly Archives: June 2013

“Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can’t handle how kick-butt reality is!”

I feel mathematical when I look at this model of Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. The responsible party is ccy_8086, whose work has not been featured nearly enough on TBB.


With that in mind, enjoy another masterpiece by ccy_8086, the CMC015 power battle suit from Starcraft 2.



Daiman Mardon has been posting a series of futuristic construction vehicles that should have Caterpillar Inc. looking to hire a LEGO-nerd to its R&D staff.

Vertcal CAT

“Yo, I don’t know, turn off the lights and I’ll glow”

I lost big-time in TBB’s high stakes craps-game to decide how to divvy-up the slew of bloggable action from Brickworld 2013. Or did I? While the other Brothers were fighting over Oz, Cyber City and Simon Liu’s spacecraft, I let it all ride on Angles of Light by ROOK.

Angles of Light

BrickWorld 2013

Pro Tip – next time you find your yourself at a craps table, consider this: “Proposition bets” are settled with a single roll of the dice with the odds located at the center of the craps table. You should avoid this bet because dealers are trained to tempt players into placing Proposition bets because of the overwhelming house advantage.

Shaddix vs. the Meteorite Man

This 25″ x 30″ mosaic of Geoff Notkin from the Science Channel’s, Meteorite Men was commissioned by Arizona’s Challenger Space Center as a gift to Mr. Notkin. According to builder and celebrity stalker Diamond Dave Shaddix: “It was a wonderful evening filled with some interesting conversation and great people.” Way to schmooze it up, Dave.


If you want to get a better look at the mosaic, click here.

The Extraordinary League of Justice

Purists beware: Hammerstein NWC is all up in your grill with his latest batch of minifigs. Steam Punk meets the Justice League, with this amusing lineup of familiar heroes: Nautical Man, Luster Lady, Albert Jordan, Super Chap, The Martian Gentleman Hunter, Bat-Fellow and The Flash Esq.

The Extraordinary League of Justice

My 5 year old daughter and I have been watching Justice League cartoons recently so naturally I solicited her opinion on the photo. She liked Wonder Woman’s bling, was disturbed by Batman’s ‘mustache’, but what she really wanted to know was: “why is Super Panties so angry?” Good question daughter…good question.

Pierce Hall

LEGO hipster Dave Kaleta would like to show you his take on a structure that is near and dear to him, the University of Chicago’s Stanley R. Pierce Hall. Designed by architect Harry Weese, the dormitory is slated for demolition in August of this year and Dave was asked to build the model for a University function honoring the campus landmark that was constructed in 1960. For more of Dave’s personal notes and photos of the ceremony you won’t find on Flickr, head over to MOCpages…assuming it is still working.

Pierce Hall 3/4 view

Although it may not elicit cries of “NPU Brah!”, I think Dave really nailed this one, and there are some nice details to reward the viewer who looks for them.

Why Hello there, Kitty!

Katie Walker (eilonwy77) pushes the definition of LEGO building yet again with this thoroughly accessorized version of Hello Kitty. We’ve seen mosaics made like this before, but never one this colorful. Also, in what is surely a first for Katie, I don’t think I spy a single cheese slope in there.

I Spy a Kitty (see description for clues)

The Importance of Stewart Cowley

Few authors have inspired more entertaining science fiction models over the years than Stewart Cowley. Familiar builders like Stafford, nnenn and Ocean have all been influence by his work, including yours truly. Cowley’s short lived series of four illustrated books, the Terran Trade Authority, were published from 1978-1980 and featured inspiring concept art from a number of different sources. The latest microscale model by Dan Efran (Erunaamo) was inspired by a TTA painting called Proximan K13 Sharks by British artist Angus Mckee. The builder effectively captures the spirit of the source material.

Proximan K13 Sharks

I’m also going to throw in a K13 Shark by Shannon Ocean, because weekends were made for Shannon Ocean.



No, Hummaera isn’t an American life insurance company, or a cutting edge hybrid car from Japan; it is the latest model from TBB newcomer Ballom Nom Nom. Welcome to the Brother Ship Mr. Nom Nom, you’ll find hors d’oeuvres available on the Lido deck.


At the garage

This is one of the coolest scenes I’ve come across in a long time. The build is clever the minifigs are perfect and the presentation is impeccable. The builder of this slick diorama is -derjoe-, and he has a new book for sale called Joe’s Garage that highlights his meticulous work.

At the garage

For the record, -derjoe- did not ask me to promote his book, TBB does not specifically endorse it and I’m not providing a direct link. Savvy consumers will find their way to the book if they are motivated.

EDIT (AB): Actually, it took me a bit of poking around to find it, so I’ll make things a bit easier for our readers who are interested — LEGO: Joe’s Garage is available from third-party sellers on

The Golden Empress Airship

Guy H. (V&A Steamworks) built this beauty, which heavily employs aftermarket parts. It’s a gorgeous piece of art, and a terrific Eastern take on the usually European steampunk theme, but it does cause me to wonder: just how much of a model can be aftermarket parts before it stops being a “LEGO creation”? Whatever you decide, I hope Guy builds more stuff like this.

The Golden Empress by V&A Steamworks

Friday Night Fights (Round 10)

Welcome back fight fans, to Sin City Nevada for another pile-driving edition of Friday Night Fights! Tonight’s bout features two battle tested veterans with knock-out capability. Let’s go to the tale of the tape:

Fighting out of the red corner, making his FNF debut…from Cyber City California…Iron Builder Andrew Lee (onosendai2600) and his “Cyborg Maul”.

Cyborg Maul

And fighting out of the blue corner, looking to even his FNF record at 1-1…the Lego-pimp from down-under…Jade Wisniewski (Taz-Maniac) and his “Goblin”.


As usual, constant reader, you are tasked with deciding the outcome of this pugilistic endeavor by way of comment. On the last edition of Friday Night Fights, in the battle of smallsville, LowestFormOfWit dispatched his opponent with reckless abandon to the tune of a 5-1 victory.