Monthly Archives: May 2008

Addy Dugdale’s 10-point LEGO acceptance plan

PrincessSome of us don’t necessarily share our LEGO obsession with our significant others, as much as we try over the years to lure them into LEGO geekery with ploys as diverse as Paradisa, including the kids while building, DUPLO, collecting princess minifigs, or the latest adorable Creator sets.

Gizmodo’s Jesús Diaz was once such a man, until his wife Addy Dugdale learned to stop worrying and love The Brick.

My favorite: “Agree That the World Would Be Better If Totally Made of LEGO”. How true.

So, call your significant other over to the computer, cuddle up, and click on through to Gizmodo.

Pigs on the Wing Animal Piloted Cave Racers contest [w00t!]

Another great contest has been announced, the Animal Piloted Cave Racers Contest. Check out the rules here and the discussion thread here!


Harrison, aka “Corran101”, recently posted a sweet vignette, depicting Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay as they reach the summit of Mt. Everest. This deceptively simple scene is packed with details. The figs are pretty awesome, but that rope makes this perfect.

Post-apoc robot stands out like a real sculpture

Tyler Clites (Legohaulic) has made an extremely realistic looking post-apoc combat robot, which from a glance looks nothing like a brick-built LEGO model. But don’t feel bad if you got fooled like I did, it’s the Legohaulic we’re talking about.

The making of Apocalypsis

Following Mark Kelso‘s phenomenal presentation of his Apocalypsis, the builder has taken time to prepare the behind the scenes work of this masterpiece. Take a look at some of the contruction images of the cave and the jungle and how Mark managed to put everything together.

Bram Lambrecht drives a 1995 Mazda MX-5

…which he has lovingly recreated in LEGO:

Check out lots more pictures on Bram’s LEGO Site.

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Video Game Demo now available!

Yep, you read that right! The demo for the new LEGO Indiana Jones video is now available for download here. Brace yourself, it’s nearly 470 MB, but I’m sure it’s worth it (I’m about halfway through downloading it as I write this post). I can’t wait to play! What a great way to celebrate the end of finals (yes, I’m back :) )

Upcoming Star Wars minifigs

A group shot of the upcoming Star Wars minifigs in the summer ’08 sets were found in the latest issue of Star Wars Insider. Start getting excited! :)

Via Eurobricks

The Span of Gryhnt Piro by Remyth

I’m more impressed with each new Castle creation Thomas “Remyth” Wunz posts. “Gryhnt Piro” is certainly no exception:

Here’s Thomas in his own words:

During the glory of the rule of Gyrothyr, the fourteenth king of Veryluai (very-lu-a), many fair things were built. Thought it has rarely been heard of, Gryhnt Piro was a major aspect in lives of those who live around it. Its huge bridge spans two rivers (one of which is depicted), and has made travel over ‘through’ the bandit-infested forests that lay between them possible. Now left in the guard of a very few men, is still stands as a memorial of those grand times.

Click either picture to see all of the details Thomas included.

Rolling through the blasted landscape with Horace Cheng

With everybody distracted by shiny Cave Racers, it seems the end of the world has been staved off for a while, or so it would seem from the dearth of decent ApocaLEGO lately.

Fortunately for us, Horace Cheng has taken his recent snowmobile design and added a bunch of stuff to make it zombie-proof:

Bonus Iron Man hard suit:

All the minifigs ever could fill 170 swimming pools

We have a winner! Fun facts like that won Jamie “Morgan19” Spencer the $25 LEGO gift certification. Congrats, Jamie!

Some more great minifig facts Jamie came up with:

  • Since 1978, LEGO has released almost 4,000 unique minifig designs.
  • If all the minifigs ever produced decided to get together and form their own country, their total population would make it the most populated nation in world— three times larger than China and almost a dozen times larger than the United States.
  • The number of unique male to female minifigs ever designed is about 18 to 1.

Thanks to Steve Witt and the rest of the good people of LEGO for putting up the prize, and to all of you out there for joining in the fun!

Monkey Man takes on Black Puma

It’s the oldest trick in the book. Simian superhero lures feline antihero in a high-speed chase down a city street. Hero places peel of yellow tropical fruit on the ground. Mayhem and hilarity ensue.

Jordan “SirNadroj” Schwartz puts Monkey Man in a slippery situation with “Monkey Man vs. Black Puma”:

Black Puma and his sweet ride are worth a second look: