Tag Archives: Woomy World

Paying homage to the Ninjago Legacy

LEGO has come up with a series of tenth anniversary Ninjago Legacy sets and we’re all pretty thrilled, by golly. Here at The Brothers Brick we’ve done extensive review after review for these sets and it would seem Ninjago fever isn’t going away anytime soon. A builder who goes by the name of Woomy World has done a neat thing, though. They managed to pay homage to the Ninjago Legacy without flooding the build with Minifigures or spinners. This is a reimagining of the Oni and the Dragon, creatures that inhabit the first realm and play a central role in the lineage of the Green Ninja.

Oni and Dragon Sculpture

Each is quite impressive on its own. Here is the ferocious dragon sculpture with its many golden blades used as wings.

Dragon Sculpture

Followed by the fearsome Oni sculpture in black and trans-purple.

Oni Sculpture

While the identity of this builder is a mystery, they have been on our radar at least a couple of times now. With build techniques and parts usage this good, we’ll surely be on the lookout for whatever else they may do in the future.

Plenty of fish...men in the sea

We have certainly featured merfolk on TBB before, but this creature by WoomyWorld really stood out to me for a few reasons. The tentacle hair is so well posed that it really seems to be floating in the water, and I love that the fish portion of this merman has fins, as most fish bodies have, to assist with underwater maneuvering. With the addition of an impressive spear, don’t expect this creature to end up on a plate; if you get too close, you might be the one that gets skewered.


Take your permanence on the go

Castles, fortresses, and the like have a big imposing permanence to them and appear as if they have been carved out of the very landscape they inhabit and have seemingly been there forever. But this LEGO fortress by WoomyWorld can lift itself and walk away. It is a re-imagining of Alexander, the Roaming Titan that can be summoned in the Final Fantasy games. Each section looks like it would be right at home in a fantasy microscale layout. I can just imagine the earth rumbling as it moves along!

Alexander, the Roaming Titan