Squint and you might think the only thing LEGO about this elegant build from Galarie d’Antha is the word spelled across the tile rack. Antha created these giant-sized scrabble tiles for a typography challenge at the BrickPirate forum (a venerable haven for francophone builders). As a Scrabble player with no less than four sets in my collection, I appreciate the classic wooden tray design with the little lip for holding the tiles upright, and the tiles look so real I can practically feel my hand rummaging through a bag of them. Of course, my Scrabble brain looks at those sets of letters and screams that brand names are not legal plays, and HOLE or HOG would both be worth more points. And even if you could play LEGO legally, my AFOL brain bristles at the idea of someone trying to pluralize it with an S. You know what’s a great Scrabble word? BRICK. 13 points, or 36 points on your first play.
Tag Archives: Real Objects
A picturesque bowl of tasty noodles
This soba noodle bowl looks so good it’s hard to believe it’s made of LEGO! This creation comes from builder John Snyder for the annual LEGO contest RogueOlympics hosted by Roguebricks. John started with an idea for how to build the radish slices, and the rest came together from there. Bicycle wheels inserted into inverted radar dishes comprise the bright radish slices. Arm pieces from the LEGO Friends toy line make up soba noodles, which is a pretty cool use of parts I haven’t seen before. Even the chopsticks are brick-built! Of course, part of what makes well-crafted food look so good is the plating, and John doesn’t disappoint. The color balancing stands out, allowing the eye to pass over each part of the soup in a wonderful flowing movement. I don’t know about you, but now I’m hungry!
We’re pumped to see this soap dispenser
I don’t know about you, but soap and hand sanitizer have become a huge part of my world over the last two years. Which makes this creation by Woomy World even more impressive, because I have gotten to know pump-action dispenser bottles better than I ever wanted to. And this one is barely recognizable as LEGO.
Obviously the setting for the photo helps, but the details here are immaculate. The inverted hot air balloon shape replicates the kind of decorative bottles you can find for sale in almost any big box store. And the real accomplishment here is the dispenser itself. An old Gallidor shield makes for a spot-on nozzle, and Woomy World has even engineered a near-perfect spring-action pump. Check it out in action. (To make sure you watch the gif long enough, sing “Happy Birthday” twice.)