Tag Archives: Mecha

We all love a good LEGO Gundam or Macross mecha, but LEGO builders everywhere are also creating excellent models of their own designs. Have a look at them here.

Transcend normal LEGO building techniques with Zenyatta from Overwatch

If you somehow haven’t heard of Overwatch, it’s a multiplayer first-person shooter video game released in May of this year by Blizzard Entertainment. More importantly for LEGO fans, a host of brilliant depictions of the characters from the game has swiftly followed its release. Simon Lui takes the building-baton and has recreated 20-year-old monk and wanderer Zenyatta, in his typical meditative pose.

Zenyatta - Overwatch

I particularly love his torso area made from taps, and the waistband of his orange pants made from mechanical arms. Those shoulders look fab but perhaps not the most robust, so it’s just as well that Zenyatta can attain a transcendent state of immunity to damage!

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty

We’ve featured a lot of Gundam mecha over the years, but this is the first time we’ve seen a mech from the anime Big O. A humongous, lumbering titan, Big O wields vengeance upon his enemies, and it’s no surprise that builder Moko, whose builds frequently grace this site, has excellently captured the mech’s hulking frame in brick form with this amazing minifig-scale version. Big O even features his O Thunder guns hidden in his arms.

Metal Scout blings into action

Markus Rollbühler has definitely focused on bringing more bling to the mecha arena with his latest build. Using a a limited colour palette of metallics and building his first mech as part of a contest has certainly brought out the best in this creation. The head made from droid torsos and mechanical minifigure arms,  and the angled, piston-like legs are two particularly awesome parts of this mech. I also love the “billy club” hands and those powerful abs.

The presentation is eerily good, with the threatening shadow in the background. I can only assume that this mech is not involved in reconnaissance missions as one flash of light and  he will become a shiny beacon!

A demolition mech that will knock you down

The Construct-o-Mech is one of the most iconic parts of The LEGO Movie and LEGO 7 just took that idea to the next level. The color scheme is perfect and the stickers add lots of detail. The articulation is great, using small ball joints for most of the build. And with the slick frame and wheels it also looks quite mobile too.

Backhoes mecha-3

Beautifully bulky battlebot

LEGO’s natural predisposition towards bricks and its otherwise blocky nature means that most builders have to work to subvert the norm to create more natural shapes. But sometimes the best path is to embrace its bulky nature and create blocky builds where appropriate. This tan mech by legoricola is a shining example and pulls off so much.

I actually didn’t believe this was a true LEGO mech that could fit a minifigure but I was proven wrong. The fact that this build is such a small scale but looks so large and armoured is a true feat indeed.

LEGO mecha mantis looks meaner than the real thing

A praying mantis may not be the first choice when it comes to creating robots and mechs out of LEGO, but when the result is this good, it really should be. Created by Mitsuru Nikaido, this build is elegant in its ability to look both mechanical and natural at the same time. A sign of a very talented builder with a great idea.

LEGO Mech Mantis-02

LEGO Mech Mantis-10

We recently blogged some great builds from Mitsuru, which you should check out if you haven’t already:

The height of Devonian-futurism
Don’t let this mecha dragonfly bug you

Duplo-clad robot suit is a chunky mechanical cutie

Kelvin Low says he raided his son’s Duplo collection to find parts for his latest mech. I suggest he continues this sourcing strategy if it’s going to deliver results like this. Duplo truck door panels and a pair of rowboats provide this powered suit with distinctive armor-plating — creating both a sense of heft and a peculiar cuteness. It’s not often we see the different lines of the LEGO family combined with such effectiveness. Beyond the imaginative parts usage, there are also nicely-built functional-looking greebly bits in the legs, and I’m enjoying the glimpses of internal machinery through the curved gaps in the outer shell. Great stuff.

Duplon Marauder 03

Titanfall 2’s LEGO Ronin Titan online, signal when ready

Titanfall still is one of the most fun and intense gaming experiences I’ve had, and every titan I drop in to battle feels like the first. It should be no surprise that I am also hyped for the sequel. Several new titan types have been designed for Titanfall 2, and of the titans revealed thus far, the sword-wielding Ronin Titan stood out to me as a good idea for a LEGO build. There were a couple challenges in this approximately 8-hour build.

Ronin Titan - Titanfall 2

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Thanks, but no tanks

If I were a tank, I’d be scared as heck of this LEGO anti-tank droid. Droids are supposed to be cute: think R2-D2 or Johnny #5. This one ain’t cute. It’s creepy. And menacing. Those long legs remind me of insects and spiders, and I bet those Wolverine claws make an awful skittering noise when it walks. Plus, it has a gun that can destroy a tank! Well-lit, in front of a white background, this contraption could evince a much lighter industrial tone. But Marco Marozzi has chosen to use the nightmare lights instead, and the tanks are rolling out as fast as their treads can carry them.

Anti Tank Droid

LEGO Bastion from Overwatch deserves every play of the game

Bastion is a rather divisive character to fans of Overwatch. While adorable as a character, his charm does not forgive his unstoppable hail of gatling gun bullets. Piggy Brother’s LEGO rendition of Bastion is definitely a showcase of his charm. Not only are the details of his Bastion model nearly spot-on, his pose with the bird Ganymede on his finger is just like Bastion’s concept art. The continuation of the black outline over the blue “eye” using a rubber band is a great detail.


Piggy Brother even constructed his Bastion to transform into sentry mode. A rather impressive touch to his excellent model.


See more photos on the builder’s Flickr.

LEGO Metabee is absolutely spot on

If you missed the brilliant show that was Medabots, think of it as Pokémon and replace cute fighting animals with deadly robots. Sound awesome? It most certainly is.

Paying tribute to the series is the extremely talented nobu_tary with a rendition of the main Medabot in the series, Metabee. Continuing the Pokémon analogy, Metabee actually looks a lot like Pikachu with the black and yellow color scheme. Hmmm….


Along with all the other great shaping and parts usage (those grenade launchers/horns are great!), my favourite is an orange recoloured plant piece used as a muzzle flash.


The height of Devonian-futurism

This mechanized, heavily armored fish looks like an unholy cross between a Dunkleosteus and the hardsuit from District 9. Japanese builder Mitsuru Nikaido has created a truly distinctive look by layering various LEGO flag elements in dark gray over a white internal structure. I’m not sure whether this belongs in the Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum or the National Museum of Natural History.

LEGO Mech Ancient fish-08