A lot of the time when we see mecha here on TBB, they look as though they’re about go to an epic battle with a kaiju. But this one from Dicken Liu seems altogether more peaceful. In fact with what looks like a suitcase next to it, perhaps this is a holiday suit! In truth, Liu describes it as a Mars Exploration Exoskeleton, or MEE. No, not me, MEE! I’m not in there. I wouldn’t mind it though – it’s very stylish, considering it’s for space exploration, which is definitely not where you want form to come over function. The red and white colour blocking is excellent, and I love the use of a dragon head for the back of the helmet. It must be a nightmare when going checking in at the spaceport though. Do they still have luggage weight restrictions for flights to Mars? I’m not sure that case will fit in the overhead lockers. And that plant in its hand is definitely getting flagged up at customs.
Tag Archives: Exo Suits
This is one cool CAT
There’s something extra cool about LEGO creations that could easily double for high-end action figures. Omar R Ovalle knows just how to deliver that sort of build, as seen here in CAT. Part of their “Space Monkey and the Astronuts” theme, this is one heavy duty worker. There are a lot of clever tricks in play here, but one you might not expect is the use of black electrical tape to bypass sourcing some hard to find LEGO elements. Personally, that just feels like a smart extension of custom sticker use, which is also used here to great effect.
Omar cites Marco Marozzi as a source of inspiration for this creation. You can certainly see the influence when you look at some of Marco’s featured builds. How about you? Inspired? What sort of mech do you want to build today?
Honey, I shrunk the Exo Suit!
If you take the time to reflect on LEGO news in 2014, you might remember the hotly anticipated LEGO Ideas release of Peter Reid’s Classic Space-themed set 21109 Exo Suit. Builder [E]ddy Plu took his shrink ray and cranked out this pint-sized version of a modern classic, and the icing on the cake is that it seats a microfigure from the discontinued LEGO games series. These particular figures originally appeared in the game 3842 Lunar Command. His build is instantly recognizable and incredibly cute.
Easily lift up to 10 tons with the Raptor Mobile Crane powersuit
Dutch builder Pico van Grootveld has been building a series of “Raptor” powersuits over the past few weeks, but his latest is definitely my favorite. The mobile crane variant looks great in yellow with the red crane boom, complemented by warning labels and a whole bunch of gears and other exposed machinery.
See more of Pico’s great powersuits in classic LEGO themes
When LEGO themes collide: Exo-Force + Friends = Exo-Friends
Tyler Sky has been thinking about Friends minidolls and the retired LEGO Exo-Force theme, and perhaps eating a little too much cheese before bed. “What if Exo-Force continued to evolve, and then got assimilated by Friends?” These six Exo-Friends were the result. The minidolls look very cute with their new hair styles even if some of their exosuits are rather more intimidating.
We have an eye-catching lime exosuit, loosely-based on the alternate build suggestion for 7712 Supernova. Those clawed toes look very flexible and give the impression this Exo-Friends character is not limited by gravity and can climb any obstacle.
LEGO racing exosuit jets ahead of the rest
You may have to look twice to believe you are looking at LEGO in this creation by Gamabomb. This intruiguing red, white and blue figure is actually a racing exosuit from Gamabomb’s fictional company Meuser Hardsuit Schmiedes (MHS). The aim of this particular hardsuit is speed and it seems to be living up to its name – Sprinter. The presentation showing the Sprinter’s jet propulsion system really shows this fun build in its best light. I love the blue and white colour blocking with the little highlights of red adding a nice contrast.
Just to prove this is an exosuit with a pilot, you can see that the cockpit is contained within the central chest area.
Friday Night Fights: In pursuit of Exo-llence
Welcome back fight fans, to Sin City Nevada for another round of Friday Night Fights. Tonight we join an ongoing fray, as the LEGO world continues to be gripped with Exo-suit mania. Hec, even the animals are getting in on the action! But let’s up the ante and give this a cinematic twist, shall we?
In the R-rated corner, we have a recreation of an A.P.U. from The Matrix Trilogy by Niki Dregant:
While over in the PG-rated corner, lurks a Unikitty-piloted Cloud Cuckoo Land Mech by Martin Gee:
As usual, constant reader, you are tasked with deciding, by way of comment, who will stomp their way to glory, and who is destined for the scrap heap. On the last edition of Friday Night Fights, Devil in the architecture Details, Nick Barrett’s Georgian town house prevailed with a monumental score of 11-0. Tune in next week for another action packed edition of Friday Night Fights!
Pugs + Exo Suits is TOTALLY A THING!
Remember how I suggested that you should take a picture of your pug with your LEGO Exo Suit? Well, that is now TOTALLY AN ACTUAL THING!
Where there’s a meme, a LEGO version by our own dear Iain is not far behind! Here’s a micro-LEGO Mr. Oliver Twist the Pug with a micro-LEGO LEGO Exo Suit! So meta…
Cooper‘s adorable pug Quatchi takes a taste of the Exo Suit’s Communication Link.
Keep those pug + Exo Suit photos coming, dear readers! For those with a LEGO Exo Suit set, all you need is a pug. Frustratingly, pugs may be back ordered.
Fear not! The LEGO Exo Suit is not a limited run [News]
It’s been about a week since LEGO released the new Exo Suit, and there’s been quite a lot of rumor and conjecture circulating about how many will be available, and whether backorders placed after last Thursday night will be fulfilled. I had a conference call with LEGO staff in Enfield and Billund yesterday, and they all reassured me that the “limited run” rumors (especially the rumored number of “10,000”) are completely false.
If LEGO’s own word isn’t enough, here’s Oliver Twist the Pug to inspire confidence.
We’ll be closing down the LEGO Exo Suit raffle next Friday morning so that we can ship out the set in a timely manner, so head on over to that post and leave a comment if you want to win one.
But the important update here is that our raffle isn’t the only way for you to get an Exo Suit — go ahead and order your Exo Suits (and click through from The Brothers Brick if you’d like to support what we do), and LEGO will fulfill those orders once their supply chain catches up with this initial burst of demand. The LEGO Shop online currently lists the set as either “Temporarily Out of Stock” or “Sold Out”, but this is more of a website status issue than a predictor of future availability. Once they become available on each site, LEGO reassures me that you can go ahead and order them with confidence:
- United States: LEGO Ideas Exo Suit
- Canada: LEGO Ideas Exo Suit
- United Kingdom: LEGO Ideas Exo Suit
And since I’ve included a photo of my pug Ollie with my own Exo Suit that arrived last Thursday, let’s totally make pugs + Exo Suits a meme. Here’s a completely different pug who is also named Oliver (!!!) with an Exo Suit from Ilia. Post those pug + Exo Suit photos and share them here in the comments, on Facebook, and on Twitter! Bonus points if your pug is also named Oliver.
LEGO Ideas Exo Suit out today [Review & Giveaway]
LEGO sent The Brothers Brick a copy of the new LEGO Ideas 21109 Exo Suit, which we’re going to give away to one of you out there reading this. Read the full review to find out how!
There have been a lot of great LEGO CUUSOO / LEGO Ideas sets that have come out, but before the Exo Suit they all had one thing in common: they were all based on someone else’s design (intellectual property or IP in licensing jargon). So it was a great to see Pete Reid‘s Exo Suit become the first original idea to be turned into a LEGO Ideas set.
The set comes in a typical small form LEGO Ideas box. I thought the designers did a great job on graphics and background art, which is very reminiscent of the classic space box art.
When you open up the set you’re presented with a fantastic instruction manual and 4 small bags of pieces, which include a total of 321 pieces. While it might not seem like a lot of pieces, the final build is surprisingly large.
The instruction booklet starts off with some info on Pete and Senior Set Designer Mark Stafford on how they collaborated on the set. It’s followed by a great background story that sets up the Exo Suit. I also liked how scattered throughout the instructions are little tid-bits of information about the Exo-Suit or the turtle, which just adds a bit of fun to the whole building.
Originally I had planned to go over the actual build process and point out interesting bits and details on the Exo Suit, but as I was actually building it, I decided not to ruin everyone’s fun — I would rather everyone experience it on their own. I will say that there are definitely some uncommon techniques that you would not find in your typical LEGO set. An example of which is placing a 1×1 round stud in the center of a 2×2 round plate (see picture).
The piece selection in this set is also a bit odd for a typical LEGO offering. There are a lot of ball-joint pieces that makes up the bulk of the frame, and a lot of tiny detailing elements that are attached to it, which makes up the rest of the set. But for a lot of builders this gives a great value: it is a small set with an incredible selection of specialized sci-fi “greeble” pieces.
But really, the stars of the set are the two Classic Space minifigures (with extra air tank) available in green for the first time:
The inclusion of these two figures, plus the low price point, and limited run will likely result in a very high demand set. Which is unfortunate as I would love to be able to buy a massive stockpile of these to get an army of Green Classic Space men, with enough left over pieces to build something really cool.
Read the review and enter for a chance to win this set →
Turtle Insanity
The LEGO Group and Eurobricks have teamed up to help celebrate the release of Pete Reid’s Exo Suit with a Turtle building contest.
I decided to take my own stab at building some turtles, creating an adorable little turtle facing off with turtle inspired Exo-Suit.
Hopefully we will see a whole lot more fun Turtle creations this month.
Friday Night Fights – Exo Suits
Welcome back fight fans, to Sin City Nevada for another round of Friday Night Fights. Tonight we celebrate the release of Pete Reid’s Exo Suit. Space fans (my self included) have been eagerly waiting for news and now finally the reveal of this fan favorite Ideas set.Let’s go to the tale of the tape.
In the light grey corner we have BillyBurg with his midi-Exo Suit:
In the dark grey corner we have Ilya T(traples) with his B.A.R. Exo Suit:
As usual, constant reader, you are tasked with deciding, by way of comment, which of these Exo Suits you would want on your SHIP. On the last edition of Friday Night Fights, Ships of the fleet, Showing that size doesn’t always matter the Corvette Beatrix won 4-2! Tune in next week for another action packed edition of Friday Night Fights!