Tag Archives: Furniture

Let’s sweeten the pot a little

If you’re a fan of the LEGO Botanicals collections, you’ll love this creation by Ralf Langer. Seven spectacular plants spring forth from pots that are every bit as elegant. There are great techniques everywhere you look, from the robot-arm wicker casings to sides made from layers of 1×2 rounded plate. If you look closely you can spot tank treads, Technic flex hoses, and even a few standard sloped bricks. Also noteworthy are the muted earth tones and olive-green foliage. These choices make the reds, bright greens, blues, and lavenders really stand out.  Altogether this is one of the most naturalistic-looking recreations I’ve seen in quite a while.

potted plants

Finally, take a look at that great wood-slat furniture. It makes me want to take a trip through our archives for more home furnishings. You might even spot some other builds from Ralf in there!

A table strong enough to hold the Earth

I think it’s fair to say a LEGO build by Ralf Langer is always a going to be special. So when this appeared in my feed, I felt it needed to be shared with the readers of TBB. At first glance, it’s an elegant table adorned with a little tree. But there’s always more! Using artistic license, Ralf has created a map of the world in the table design, which compliments the colour of the tree’s leaves perfectly. Using plant stem parts, these leaves capture a naturalistic look, sitting proudly atop the table. A round shape is notoriously difficult to recreate in Lego form but Ralf has executed it to great effect here, using a nice solution to capture a rimmed edge to the table.

Earth Table

A Summer folding chair in the middle of Autumn

That air is brisk out there! Autumn most certainly has arrived, making me want to don a warm sweater and maybe sip a pumpkin spice latte. But maybe it’s warm where Dicken Liu is because clearly he has summer on his mind as evidenced by this LEGO folding chair. He even titled this piece Summer Nights. If the desired effect was to have me thinking of summer, even as the wind howls and rattles our ghost Halloween decorations, it worked! I can just about feel the comfort and warmth of a starry summer night. The tea and the side table are a nice touch, too. The mushrooms are also neat!

Summer Nights-01

Grown-up furniture built from kids’ toys.

I’m still writing on the same desk I bought in college and have been meaning to upgrade for some time now. Thankfully, Pan Noda has crafted an industrial desk and chair set that is just my style. The use of various tans and browns creates a realistic wood grain texture that pairs perfectly with the ample use of black bar elements to suggest rugged, pipe style fixtures. And details like the minifigure ice skates as drawer handles and the chair’s lift lever elevate this furniture to top tier décor.


A grand ballroom for the elegant entertainer

Victor van den Berg has a penchant for crafting ornate rooms with fantastic flooring. Victor’s latest creation is this ballroom with a stately swagger that makes us feel like dancing. The ivory columns framing the back wall are full of flashy style. The grand piano makes for a perfect centerpiece, with keys built from a combination of regular and jumper plates. And, of course, Victor’s talent for tile makes for a wonderful waltzing venue.

Lego MOC: Moonlight Sonata

Dutch kitchen design from a not yet forgotten time

As a Dutch guy I just had to feature this Dutch LEGO kitchen creation by Victor van den Berg. It reminds me of paintings by Jan Steen, but then tidied up. In the Netherlands, we even have a saying about it. It’s called ‘A household like Jan Steen’s’, which means a really messy household. This however does not apply to Victor’s creation. It looks very sleek and well designed. We can spot a lot of Dutch interior trends from a distant past. Delfts blue tiling, elaborately carved wooden furniture and the tableware on display on wooden shelves throughout the entire house. It makes me reminisce about my sweet grandmother’s home and the smell of freshly baked pies.

The Old Dutch Kitchen Lego MOC

This clock goes hoot-hoot instead of cuckoo

LEGO builder Kevin J. Walter has created this cute-looking cuckoo clock. Well, since there’s an owl there, maybe it isn’t technically a cuckoo clock… Do cuckoo clocks specifically need a cuckoo? Perhaps a hooting hourglass… No, it’s not technically an hourglass either. Thankfully Kevin’s creation is much more coherent than my raptor-related ramblings; it makes great use of minifigure legs as detailing. The repetition is great for replicating the intricate wooden carvings one might expect on such a venerable clock. Ditto for the pinecone counterweights at the bottom: the construction is fairly simple – cheese slopes around a studs-not-on-top core – but the effect is terrific, and again mimics skillful woodworking.

Cuckoo Clock

The detail I like the most though is the subtle tilt the clock has. Those counterweights and all that extra mechanism makes cuckoo clocks surprisingly heavy, so whenever I’ve seen one hanging on a wall they’ve been noticeably not flush. It’s a small detail, but it makes it feel so authentic.

Oh! I know, a Tytonidae timepiece! (You may need to look that up. I certainly did…)

Master carpentry, realised in Lego

You’d be forgiven for thinking Ted Andes’ latest build looks out of place here on TBB. That is until you study the image further and realise Ted has brought LEGO into the home furnishing arena with this side table and its contents. The table itself is a wonderfully designed build that looks like a realistic Walnut or Mahogany wood with a delicate black finish to the table top. The legs capture a delicate, carved, curve and are then braced to add to the stability of this table with additional subtle detailing along the legs.

End Table Ensemble

I’m in awe of the engineering that has gone into creating the perfect circle of the table’s rim and legs through the use of expertly layered plates and tiles to achieve the correct curvature and strength.

The lamp looks to have found the perfect spot too, placed atop the table, amongst the other items on display. The lamp shade is carefully constructed to capture the round end result too, using a Teepee canopy piece, adding a flourish of Native American detail for decoration on the lampshade. And let’s not ignore the power cord falling over the edge of the table too, constructed from tails and Technic connector pieces.

Prairie Style Table Lamp

You can explore the remaining contents of the table from when we looked at these in an older post here. I’m hoping Ted doesn’t stop here, and that this inspires more builders to come up with ingenious LEGO builds that look perfect in any home.

Picture perfect fairytale furniture

These delightful LEGO furniture pieces from Brickdesigned bring charm to the cottage in which they reside. No one knows who lives in the cottage, but who wouldn’t want to live in such a cute environment? Perhaps if we take a closer look at the items we can discern some things about the owner… The clock is built into a felled tree with accompanying wildlife, while the hat indicates they enjoy frolicking in the woods, too. The tree’s wide base is cleverly achieved with a brown minifig torso! Moving on to the bed, we see they like to keep things tidy with a made bed. The checkered pattern is lovely, and I particularly like the tree branches for the bedposts. The standout pieces here are the red minifig hands making up the frill of the throw rug.

The snacks on the table suggest the owner likes sweets balanced with just a touch of health! The table and chair speak of comfort without too much fuss. Honestly, that chair looks more comfortable than many wooden chairs I’ve used myself. Finally, there’s the fireplace. The mantle is chock full of cool items: a message in a bottle, books galore, a tea set, some coins, and a cool hourglass. I love how the mantle and the fireplace are constructed! The studs-not-on-top (SNOT) approach for the logs supporting the mantle is charming. The cauldron cooking over the fire is a nice touch, too. We may not know who lives in this space, but we do know one thing–they live happily ever after.

Koala-ty time at home

This quiet, marsupial-filled LEGO scene from Jane Gibbons-Eyre is exactly the vibe I want as I head into a much-needed vacation from work. The posing on her two koalas is fantastic, as are the perfectly-scaled chairs they’re sitting in. In fact, all the items in this tableau feel well-crafted and deliberate. The record player, the plie of books, the plate of food, the lamp – each piece stands on it’s own as an individual creation, and also as one part of a larger scene.

A quiet night in

More details in this serene scene below

Welcome back to the 60’s

Don’t block the TV my show’s about to start! Cecilie Fritzvold brings us this wonderful LEGO living room set straight out of the 1960’s. This would be amazing on its own but what makes it even more special is that it’s a direct recreation of the 1965 LEGO set 022-2 Doll Furniture. Even the table lamp, floor lamp, and flower pot jumped from the original set to this remastered version! The composition is simple yet cozy. Makes me want to relax and laugh along to a new episode of The Carol Burnett Show! You know, when missing it meant it was lost forever? I love the added touch of the vintage camera-style photo to really solidify the era in question.

60s furniture

This old school classroom brings back memories.

If you want to build some LEGO furniture, there’s a thing or two to learn from Jannis Mavrostomos, who has constructed a LEGO classroom full of things I remember from my own school days.

Don’t be tardy, click here to make it to class on time.