Monthly Archives: January 2008

Clone Wars V-19 Torrent by nnenn

Nnenn had some issues with LEGO’s official version of the V-19 Torrent fighter, from the upcoming Star Wars Clone Wars TV show, so he made his own.

What’s so very very cool about nnenn’s version is that the folding wings are synchronized. Check out the gears:

(Via Brick Blogue.)

Andrew Lee micros Mark Sandlin’s very 3vil Asmodeus

The Fanboy Micro contest continues! Andrew Lee goes all tiny and adorable on Mark Sandlin’s massive and formidable Asmodeus.

Here’s the original:

Be sure to check out all the photos for a very cool bit of homage to the original.

Spiky goodness from Stogelley

At first glance, this mecha by Stogelley might be mistaken for one of Izzo‘s excellent mecha.

That’s a huge compliment, but Stogelley also does some really cool things that I haven’t seen before. Check out the snowshoe on the head and the ball turrets on the shoulders. Oh, and about a million cheese slopes. Like their namesake, cheese slopes make everything better.

White Isz by Legovaughan

Nice legs, Vaughan! On your mech. Ahem.

Classic Beetle LEGO set revealed at Frechen [News]

Joachim S. Müller attended the big LEGO event in Frechen, Germany and has posted over a hundred photos on Flickr.

Last year’s show yielded the first photos of the upcoming Classic Beetle set, so it’s fitting that the final version would be shown this year:

Lookin’ good!

Visit lovely Gongfujian! See the sights!

Inspired by Shannon Young‘s Shannonia, mastergongfu recently posted his own micropolis. And I got to name it!

Gongfujian is the beautiful capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of the Gongo. Heh heh.

The last tree on Earth

Shannon Young depicts a scene preserving the last tree on Earth, attended to by a faithful and solitary robot caretaker. What could you make of the meaning of this? Neither the creator nor I seem to have a clear idea.

Peace and Ley Ward vignettes

Deviating from his usually large dioramas, Keith Goldman crafts small scenes featuring Ley Ward (aka Professor Whateverly). They’ve got that hippy vibe, you dig?

More prototype weapons from BrickArms [News]

Corran101 recently won the Bladerunner vignette contest on the BrickArms forums, and his prize was a set of prototypes of new designs. The two designs are for the Auto-9 Pistol (the longer one) and PKD2019.

Click the picture above for the full photoset on Flickr, but here’s Corran101’s excellent winning entry:

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess vignette by Dan Sibley

The next game I plan on playing on my new Wii is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I don’t want to spoil anything for myself by looking too much up about this vignette by Dan Sibley, so I’ll trust the comments on Flickr that this is true to the game.

What say you, readers?

Steampunk TIE fighter

Rocko transformed the classic TIE fighter in the theme of steampunk for the Steam Wars contest on FBTB. The model is easily recognizable and at the same time completely novel. Good luck in the contest Rocko.

Pool party at chibichistos’ place!

TBB reader chibichistos wrote us late last month with some news about 2008 LEGO sets (thanks!). Although Nannan beat me to blogging the news itself, filing the e-mail today reminded me that I hadn’t blogged this wonderful vignette, which I originally saw on VignetteBricks. (Okay, that was a way too complicated “via.”)

Aaaaanyway, I think the way chibichistos created the guy in the pool is just genius.