Yearly Archives: 2007

Something’s afoot at Dock 5 of the North Central Positronics Shipyards

Mike Yoder has “tweaked” his Last Flight diorama, and the result is “Dock 5 at the North Central Positronics Shipyard.”

In addition to an interesting curved slope technique, Mike’s diorama includes microscale versions of several iconic ships by other builders:

Michael’s Beach House

Michael Lasky-Saparito recently purchased 10182 Cafe Corner and has put his new bricks to good use in a wonderful beach house. I especially love the flying buttress, awning over the door, and front steps. Here’s hoping Michael keeps this up!

EDIT (12/2): Michael just added another house that may in fact be even cooler than his beach house:

Cry of Dreams

I’m proud to present my most significant (and most disturbing) work so far, the Cry of Dreams. This surrealist sculpture is a nightmarish dreamscape dipicting all kinds of suffering, you can think of it like Nannan’s Inferno ;) . I’ve written a piece of writing to accompany the work, and reading it will help you understand what’s going on.

Enjoy surrealism!

What outruns a bullet train?

A Clikipiller of course! Megan Rothrock is known to build colorful and cheerful creatures and creations of all sorts. This one runs on a standard lego train track. I love the colors on the back of this bug.

Photo review of 7620 Indiana Jones Motorcycle Escape on

Head on over to for a full photo review of what appears to be the very first set from the upcoming Indiana Jones line — 7620 Indiana Jones Motorcycle Escape.

Sky-fishing with Owen Vanderbilt

I can’t imagine that the racket Jehkay‘s latest sky-fi vehicle causes wouldn’t scare away all the fish, but that didn’t stop Mr. Vanderbilt from trying.

While you’re checking out his photostream, why not stop by to see his lineup of “Sentai” mecha?

Kamikaze love

Mark Stafford (aka Nabii) constructs an action-packed diorama called Crash-N-Burn. In the words of its creator, “if they shoot you down you take them out.”

I love Mark’s repeated use of the ice-cream pieces for the smoke, and just like in Hollywood, special effects aren’t cheap!

It never gets lonely in the desert

What’s better than having your truck broken down in the middle of the desert? Why, with a horde of zombies of course! Justin Vaughn conjures a swarm of zombies attacking a truck on a desert highway. Check out Zombie Hunt.

Nice salt shaker! Ran out of white paper? ;)

No, janitor Steve — don’t sit there!

Click the image to see what happens when Arpy (Brickshelf | Flickr) puts a familiar-looking janitor named “Steve” in the same room as an experimental alterdimensional transportal.

Cruising to the future

In his own words, Admiral Giddens just purchased the Numitor from Bufford T Justice Fazoom. Captain Fazoom put the proton injector booster on his dad’s car prior to the sale, breaking up the classic lines. But, it does add features like 120% more time bending and less knocking on unleaded fleebjuice.

The Numitor is a 1 seater sedan that gets 1 million miles to the gallon skyway, 720,000 in the city. Comes standard with air and 8 track.”

I love the graphics edit in this photo! Makes me want to buy one as well.

Vader gets his own guards

If the Emperor gets his personal guards, why can’t the dark lord himself? When I found those red Darth Vader helmets on Bricklink, I knew what I had to do.

When four equals six

Tim Gould's HF110C loco

Well I’m trying to be a bit better about blogging my own stuff relatively quickly. This loco is based on a die-cast model of a German HF 110C locomotive which is meant to have six wheels but since I wanted it motorised with the classic motor it only has four. If you look carefully you will notice that the boiler and rear coal tender are upside down. Hope you like it.