Tag Archives: Ninjas

Historical Personages by Morgan19

I’ve admired Morgan19‘s minifigs ever since I noticed his great Firefly minifigs. The latest batch is a group of historical minifigs, entries for the Fine Clonier Historical Minifig Contest.

I might quibble with the “historical” nature of some of these, but it’s a great collection of minifigs, presented beautifully.

Space Ninjas, lava, and a bridge. (Who could ask for more?)

Sly420 has made an awesome thing…

Ninjas vs. Pirates Contest at BrickWorld

The upcoming BrickWorld event in Chicago (June 21-24) will be hosting a “Ninjas vs. Pirates” contest. Go read David Gregory’s LUGNET post for details.

Ninjas vs. Pirates, you say? You know my opinion on the subject:

(Via VignetteBricks.)

NickGreat’s Green Samurai

As featured here previously, master customizer NickGreat continues his “Colors of the Samurai” with my favorite color — and favorite minifig so far (via Klocki):

(Wow, feels like I’ve been gone forever, but it’s only been a couple of days. My bookmark folder’s bursting at the seams, so I’ll do a few “roundup” posts tomorrow to catch up.)

Joe Vig and the Ninjas

I threw this together last night, as a showcase for my new green ninjas. They are so cool…

In this scene the famously oblivious Joe Vig strolls through a bamboo forest. Will he escape alive? Of course, he’s Joe Vig!

One item to note is the complete lack of bricks and plates in this vignette. Now that was fun!

The whole vigging gallery.

Lukas is out to get you.

Well, at the very least Lukas has a rather formidable assassin to send after you:

The claws are very cool, and seem to be constructed of Viking horns attached to those ever-useful binoculars. Excellent.

Ninja mecha, attack!

Jehkay’s latest is an awesome ninja mecha:

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Danzou the Reaper’s Shin-nyu

I recently helped Linus Bohman with some ideas for a cool little space ninja vehicle. Here’s his Shin-nyu, a “long range infiltration and assassination craft” (shin-nyu means “infiltrate” in Japanese):

Be sure to click the picture for the full gallery — lots of great details on this one. Here’s the pilot of the Shin-nyu, Danzou the Reaper (Danzou is named after a legendary Japanese ninja):

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Ninja + Steampunk = HEAD EXPLOSION!

From Izzo we’ve had a Ninja Mecha. I’ve made a Robot Ninja and Lukas W.P. built a Space Ninja.

Well, Linus Bohman has taken ninja mashup LEGO to a new, cranium-exploding level with … Steampunk Ninja!!! Woo hoo! Behold the awesomeness:

Here’s a closeup of the ninja, with his steam-power enhanced bow:

The ninja’s soon-to-be-dead target (dirty foreign barbarian with your silly crossbow blunderbuss!):

Bohman has included lots of interesting details that flesh out the concept of “Asian steampunk,” so be sure to check out the full gallery on Brickshelf.

Wow. Too much good stuff today. I have to go lie down now.

Ninjas 4Evah!

I sure hope we never see the end of ninja LEGO creations. Here’s Nelson Yrizarry’s “Ninja Training Camp.” Natually, it’s totally sweet, with a secret entrance, lookout holes, and everything else a ninja clan needs to get ready for their next mission.

Be sure to check out all the pictures in the Brickshelf gallery, which includes lots of action shots of ninjas training:

Minifig Tom Cruise

Those of you looking for a LEGO Katie Holmes might be disappointed, but Brickshelf user Jimmy Lai has posted a cool minifig version of Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai:

And check out Jimmy’s awesome movie poster:

Bohman’s Space Ninja Dojo

Space ninjas are both awesome and totally sweet (after all, they’re the second-most powerful entity in the universe). Here’s Linus Bohman’s awesome and totally sweet space ninja dojo:

In addition to a cool “Asian space” aesthetic for the architecture, Bohman has included some really cool minifigs.