Tag Archives: Linus Bohman

A “train”-ing spaceship in blue and yellow!

If you need a space fighter to hunt bogies with, this LEGO ship by Linus Bohman might be just the thing you need. Linus built this fighter around a skeleton of railroad track parts including curves and straights from the 4.5V era and six Duplo curve sections. I’d argue that this build is all horsepower, no ballast, with huge engines embedded in each wing. All-in-all, the grey details between the rails provide a nice buffer, while the rails themselves couple everything together!


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The Mars Flytrap is more terrifying and flytrap-y than the Venus one

I had a Venus Flytrap once. I bought it when I had an infestation of fruitflies several years back. Or were they mayflies? I don’t know, I didn’t ask. Either my flytrap was fussy or they’re not that into fruitflies (or mayflies) because it really wasn’t the fly kill-fest I hoped for. But this LEGO Mars Flytrap by Linus Bohman is the stuff of B-Movie nightmares. It’s big enough to eat cars and it doesn’t seem fussy at all. The Mars Flytrap is expertly crafted with plant bits and I just love that horrific gaping maw. Oh, and before you flood the comment section with what’s LEGO and what isn’t, it’s all LEGO. Yep, even the cars! They’re from a series of LEGO HO Scale offerings from the ’50s and ’60s and are now worth a mint. Tasty!

Mars Flytrap

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Danzou the Reaper’s Shin-nyu

I recently helped Linus Bohman with some ideas for a cool little space ninja vehicle. Here’s his Shin-nyu, a “long range infiltration and assassination craft” (shin-nyu means “infiltrate” in Japanese):

Be sure to click the picture for the full gallery — lots of great details on this one. Here’s the pilot of the Shin-nyu, Danzou the Reaper (Danzou is named after a legendary Japanese ninja):

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Stay on the bomb run, boys!!!

Linus Bohman has posted an entry in the current Joe Vig contest that just (ahem) blew me away (via VignetteBricks and Brick Brick):

What’s so cool about this vignette is that Bohman has built the whole thing in black and white, just like the movie (Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove). The only elements in color are Joe Vig. Great work, Bohman!

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Superior Insurance against Enemies with Guns Everywhere

Linus Bohman merits two posts in a day with this sleek “S.I.E.G.E. tank”:

Bohman uses lots of pieces in interesting ways, including a gun built from old train rails. (Click the picture above to leave comments for Bohman on Flickr, or see more pics on Brickshelf.)

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Bohman’s Space Minifig Weapons

Using an interesting technique discussed in this thread on Classic-Space Forums, Linus Bohman presents a couple really cool minifig weapons:

(A quick “program note”: Bear with us as Josh and I get caught up on a few days of creations we’d like to highlight. I can’t speak for him, but all my LEGO time has been spent building — a good thing — and writing far-too-long blog posts. We’ll be getting back to our usual fare now.)

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Ninja + Steampunk = HEAD EXPLOSION!

From Izzo we’ve had a Ninja Mecha. I’ve made a Robot Ninja and Lukas W.P. built a Space Ninja.

Well, Linus Bohman has taken ninja mashup LEGO to a new, cranium-exploding level with … Steampunk Ninja!!! Woo hoo! Behold the awesomeness:

Here’s a closeup of the ninja, with his steam-power enhanced bow:

The ninja’s soon-to-be-dead target (dirty foreign barbarian with your silly crossbow blunderbuss!):

Bohman has included lots of interesting details that flesh out the concept of “Asian steampunk,” so be sure to check out the full gallery on Brickshelf.

Wow. Too much good stuff today. I have to go lie down now.

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Bohman’s Space Ninja Dojo

Space ninjas are both awesome and totally sweet (after all, they’re the second-most powerful entity in the universe). Here’s Linus Bohman’s awesome and totally sweet space ninja dojo:

In addition to a cool “Asian space” aesthetic for the architecture, Bohman has included some really cool minifigs.

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