Tag Archives: Sculptures

A well-placed illusion

When I saw this sculpture by Chris Maddison, I didn’t think it was possible for all the pieces to be freestanding and connected. Even if supports were used, I couldn’t imagine how they could be Lego parts given the haphazard angles that the cubes were positioned. Even zooming on the photo and examining the gaps between the bricks revealed that each small cube is supposedly made out of a plain 2×2 brick sandwiched between a plate and tile. Just when I (and many others) thought the sculpture was impossible, Chris revealed the solution to this wonderful illusion.


Beautiful LEGO sculpture glorifies the engineering mindset

Jason Allemann presents a brilliant model built by his partner Kristal — a stunning piece of kinetic sculpture designed to represent what goes on inside the mind of a LEGO engineer.

The Engineer

As a fully-fledged steampunk geek, you can imagine what the video of this creation in action did to me. This is absolute genius — expanding platforms, rising towers, crank-powered electric lighting. Check it out, it’s genuinely brilliant…

Self-portrait bust in LEGO bricks

Julius von Brunk built this amazing self-portrait bust in LEGO bricks. There’s great brickwork here, capturing the curves, planes, and lines of a head and face more accurately than you’d expect possible using plastic blocks. But for me, the main attraction is that raised eyebrow. It transforms this from being a cool technical achievement into a genuine portrait with a sense of character.

Portable LEGO Seismograph

It is strangely appropriate that Kosmas Santosa, a builder from Jakarta, Indonesia,  has built a LEGO seismograph.  Indonesia is a country that is heavily affected by earthquakes due to its location within the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Kos has been utilising the ‘paint roller‘ in all sorts of ingenious ways this month, and his vintage seismograph is no exception. The locks on the front of the case, the levers on the top right of the machine and the pens that record the output are all constructed from the paint roller.

Portable Seismograph

I wonder what happens when you press the red buttons?

Stunning LEGO Darth Vader mask cleverly hides scenes from Star Wars

LEGO builder yu chris created this gorgeous replica of Darth Vader’s iconic samurai-inspired mask, which gleams with shades of black just like the original. But it’s not just a mask — turning it around reveals three clever chibi-style scenes from Anakin’s life. The tiny little Death Star hangar filled with parading stormtroopers is definitely my favorite bit, but the relief sculptures in the backgrounds of the other two scenes are each fantastic in their own right.



April Fools’ Day build makes a real splash

We should have posted this remarkable brick-built fish by Daniel Stoeffler on April first, but we didn’t sea it until now. Better late than never right? I’m stunned by the life-like nature of this little guy. The exposed LEGO studs make excellent scales and the overall striped patterns and color blocking on the fish’s body and fins are gorgeous. He even has a soft underbelly and whiskers!

But what’s the joke you ask? Well, as Daniel explains it, on April first in France, children play pranks on others by placing paper fish on their backs and then running away shouting “Poisson d’Avril!” I don’t get it either, but it sounds hilarious.

Poisson d'Avril

Celebrate Easter with beautiful LEGO jewelled eggs

Dutch builder Koen has created a set of beautiful Faberge-style jewelled eggs. What better way to celebrate Easter weekend with your favourite construction system?

These creations are packed with nice parts usage to get the details and sparkling metallic effects. Check out the stands too — great stuff. We’ve previously featured the beautiful red egg in the center; the green and blue ones are being featured here for the first time.

The Jewelled Egg Collection

Even better, the eggs open up to reveal appropriate minifigs for each egg’s theme: Spring, Love, and Ice…

The Jewelled Egg Collection

For the (LEGO) birds...

Join me as we go bird watching, courtesy of Joe Perez of Bright Bricks!

First, we see a beautiful example of a Peregrine Falcon. This record-setting bird of prey can reach speeds over 200 mph (322 km/h) and is found throughout the world. Joe’s rendition of this majestic bird is giving us some pretty impressive side-eye from its natural outdoor habitat.

To continue your bird-watching tour, click here

Amazing LEGO Arc de Triomphe in French tricolor

The famous monument Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile stands in Paris as an iconic memorial to French soldiers, and LEGO builder Brian Yu has recreated it splendidly in brick, awash in the French tricolor. Brian’s model makes great use of greebling and the undersides of basic plates to mimic the relief sculpting on the arch, and the result beautifully tricks the eye into seeing finely sculpted details.

Triumphal Arch in Paris

Triumphal Arch in Paris

Triumphal Arch in ParisTriumphal Arch in Paris

In the garden of brick, honey. A plastic butterfly.

I’m not sure if these delicate looking flowers actually need pollinated, but if they do, then this stunning butterfly by Moko should be able to get the job done nicely. Moko’s heavy use of transparent pieces gives this build a pleasing, glass-like appearance. And those whips make for a perfect proboscis and antennae, don’t you think?


Get on your LEGO bike, and ride

My two loves in life are bikes and LEGO, so you can imagine how excited I am by Tim Schwalfenberg‘s LEGO bike. Tim’s fixie has an awesome rigid frame, old school brown leather seat and a clever solution to re-inventing the wheel.


My only concern is that the chain needs a touch of oil…

If you can’t hang with the big dogs, you stay on the porch!

Here is an adorable couple of Chihuahuas by delayice to celebrate the start of the weekend. Take a moment to note how adorably grotesque both dogs are and how recognizable the overall shape is. How can one not fall in love with these silly eyes and enormous ears?
