Tag Archives: Return of the Jedi

The Circle is Now Complete!

This is the STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI Chess set. It is the 3rd and final installment in a series of three LEGO Star Wars chess sets that Brandon Griffith built in celebration of the Original Star Wars Trilogy. Check out the other two sets; A NEW HOPE and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK

Will you play the Light Side?

or the Dark Side?

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LEGO Star Wars Rancor Pit revealed at SDCC + Jabba’s Palace out in UK [News]

The LEGO set news from San Diego Comic-Con keeps coming, fast & furious. In addition to Bag End, LEGO has revealed a new LEGO Star Wars set, the Rancor Pit from Return of the Jedi. It looks like it comes with Luke, Rancor Keeper, and Gammorrean Guard minifigs (in addition to the Rancor itself).

Rancor Set Official Image

FBTB has more pics from the show floor.

And since we haven’t featured an official picture of the Jabba’s Palace playset here yet, take a look (via Brickset).

LEGO Star Wars 9516 Jabba's Palace

It’s not out in the US yet, but our readers in the UK can already pick up 9516 Jabba’s Palace from the LEGO Shop for 120 GBP.

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Endor bunker

I’m surprised to see a new diorama by Amado C. Pinlac, whom many remember as ACPin and a builder of massive Star Wars dioramas back in the days. The dense foliage in this classic Endor scene from Return of the Jedi is amplified by the clever use of a non-Lego backdrop, adding depth to the picture. Can you spot the Ewok who’s about to steal a speeder bike?

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Favorites from the FBTB Star Wars Vignette Contest

If you’ve been following Bruce’s posts on VignetteBricks, you know that FBTB Forums have been hosting a Star Wars vignette contest. The contest has spawned many great vignettes, but here are a few of my favorites. (FBTB Forums admin Onions has kindly posted a photoset on Flickr with all of the entries.)

Two vigs from bwu that use micro vehicles and minifig heads in an interesting way:

Han Solo drops a toolchest on Chewbacca’s head in a vignette from Mark Stafford:

Another micro vehicle entry — this one from yellost:

Finally, my personal favorite, an explosive scene from Return of the Jedi by Big_X:

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