About Bohman

Linus Bohman is a university student from Sweden. When he doesn't build with lego he likes to play with his camera.

Posts by Bohman

Resource highlight: Jain’s Intelligence Daily and the LEGO community history project

Jason Whittenburg is a clever, clever man. He’s been running Jain’s Intelligence Daily for some time now – a collection of very useful resources. My favourite one is the brilliant Classic-Space custom model report, which essentially aggregates pictures from Classic-Space into an easily viewable package. Very neat, and it saves a lot of time. Another useful feature is Brickverse Today, which collects feeds from a lot of different LEGO blogs (including Brothers-Brick!) and showcases them in condensed form with links to the full articles. But the best thing is that all of this info is collected in RSS-feeds, ready to go straight into your reader!

After Paul Hartzog raised the idea Jason added another feature: the AFOL history database (or the Adult Fan of LEGO history database). This is a collection of all the important dates that has happened in the LEGO community to help us collectively remember, rejoice, and in some cases, mourn.

Or at least it will be with your help. See, right now there’s only 23 entries in the database. Do you know of something that has, when we look back at it, put its mark in the community? When was that particularly influential model built? That major website started? And there was that funny discussion that has become a running gag…? Put it in there! The RSS feed is configured to ping on the day of every event.

Even if some parts of JID is very much space oriented, all community moments are welcome. Jason has provided us with the resources – let’s make it the best it can be!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Darling Apollo IV: Machina Nosejob

My first model in about a year is one for the Steamwars contest. It’s a steampunkified pod racer. Yay!

The Darling Apollo, here in the Machina Nosejob edition, is a craft without equal. Made of the finest wood and iron, it’s not only a beauty a look at – it also pack a mighty punch. The immense engines gives it a power of nearly five horses combined, but due to it’s hovering nature it handles terrain much better than the land-based creatures. At such dizzying speed the vehicle’s controller must be sharp-witted, precise and elegant – all prerequisites fulfilled by gracious driver Trenton Telgaard.

You can see more of it on flickr. Prepare to race!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

A steamer on legs

Zachmoe’s latest is a beautiful piece. It’s very difficult making something look this thrown together, but the result Zach gets leaves me dumbstruck. Check it out on his flickr stream. It is based on this concept art from the Classic-Space concept gallery.

Edit: The original concept art is drawn by Keith Thompson. Thanks for the heads up Ethan!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Whoah. Blackout.

In the wake of the Transformers movie (and games), we see quite a few lego iterations of the robots. Adrian Drake’s Blackout is certainly one of the better. It looks great in both helicopter mode and bot mode:

Read about it on Adrian’s brickfrenzy.com or comment it on his flickr stream.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Thinking inside the box

The first thing aspiring builders of space learn to avoid is making their ships look like boxes. But Justin Vaughn proves that the shape is timeless with The Amazing Spacebrick! (or Incredible Flying Shoebox, whichever you prefer).

Take a look at this unique piece of work on either Flickr or Brickshelf.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Black Mechos by Jerac

This creature, dubbed Black Mechos, is just creepy. Kudos to you Jerac! Excellent work.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Apocalypse, now?

Tyler C – or Legohaulic, as he is more commonly known in these circles – have created this fantastic post-apocalyptic diorama:


From the broken statue, to the bullet holes near the dead body, all the way to the mech, the feel is just great. It takes a long time to take it all in. Go put on a pot of tea and take a few deep breaths, then check out Tyler’s flickr or brickshelf.

Done with that? Great. Then you can move straight on to Spook’s post apocalyptic Crab Tank for another mind-blower:

These both look cobbled together with whatever their inventors had lying around. I love the genre already.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Dasnewten’s Tusker space fighter – family sized package

A while ago Rob M, or Dasnewten, revealed a good-looking fighter, fantastic in its dark grey glory:

It’s a beauty to be sure, and he even made a few variations on it. I like them all – Rob really shows that a good design can be pulled off in several colour schemes:

And then, just because he could, veteran space builder Paul Hartzog also took his hand at it:

This model is getting quite a following! Perhaps everyone should build their own version and bring it to the next convention?

(Now that the hectic school is over, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do here. Stay tuned as I bring you the best of the past futuristic models. I’ve missed this.)

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

The Nnenness continues.

Nnenn is quickly becoming one of my favourite builders. He’s got all the necessary qualities — excellent technique, wonderful imagination, great presentation. But he also manages to shake things around a bit in the community! When the traditional view can be said to be that of the purist — only use original Lego pieces, essentially – Nnenn doesn’t refrain from using clone bricks, modifying existing pieces or playing with custom stickers. Very refreshing when done this well, as it is in his Ula-Kit 319.

So is the more liberal view Nnenn represents a step forward or a step backward for our hobby? Judge for yourself.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Monday Noodle’s Ascension

I’m pretty hard to get sold on a mech, but I found mondaynoodle’s Ascension… well, fantastic. Quality work throughout. Look at the gallery and take it all in for yourself.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Steve Vargo’s Stirling Flyer

A lovely little piece of retro-tech is Steve Vargo’s stirling flyer:

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Busterbuilder’s Sparrow

Busterbuilder has put together a fun little futuristic air craft:

I really like the angles on the wings and near the cockpit, and the colour designations on the wings are a fun little detail. Good work!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.