Monthly Archives: January 2010

This little robot has an attitude

As if you can’t already tell by the impish look he’s giving you. What I like the most about this creation by Ian Barreto is the way the head is sculpted into a perfect sphere from the various Bionicle parts, making a very fitting combo.

Cole is on fire!

Cole Blaq built his name and lit it on fire! Without using light sources inside the sculpture, Cole used a gradient of bricks from the white core to the red rims and an overhead lamp to cast the glow. The effect amazingly realistic!

Hero Factory replaces Bionicle in August 2010 [News]

News from Wizard World Magazine reveal pictures of successors of Bionicle: Hero Factory. The plot of the new line describes certain Heroes who fight evil across space and time, which pretty much sets the stage for an infinite possibility of expansions. At a decent price of $7.99, you can purchase your Hero when they arrive in August of this year.

Via Eurobricks

LEGO Prince of Persia available for pre-order on Amazon [News]

The upcoming LEGO Prince of Persia sets in April 2010 are available for pre-order at Amazon. More importantly, this also means that high-res images of the set are now available. Click on each image to open up the pre-order page, which also includes additional pictures of the set.

Despite the fact that The Brothers Brick posted these images in good faith based on their public availability on, the LEGO Group has threatened legal action against The Brothers Brick if we do not remove them. Even though solving the LEGO Group’s information security issues is not the responsibility of a news site such as The Brothers Brick, and even though our use of images revealed elsewhere, for the purposes of discussion and review here, falls under the Fair Use clause of United States copyright law, we don’t have the resources to pick a fight with a multi-billion-dollar international corporation such as the LEGO Group, so images have been removed at their request. -ed


10211 Grand Emporium coming March 2010 [News]

UPDATE: The LEGO Shop site now has a page up for 10211 Grand Emporium
icon with a scheduled release date of February 20, 2010 March 1, 2010.


The next addition to the Cafe Corner line of modular buildings is 10211 Grand Emporium, a great set to round out another corner of your expanding LEGO city. From the info on Eurobricks, this 2182-piece set will cost $149.99 in the US, £97.85 in the UK, and €149.99 in Germany.


Like the 10197 Fire Brigade, Grand Emporium has a full interior with some great details to get excited about like the escalator and chandelier seen through the nice dark green windows.

Via Eurobricks

Onyasis Landing Platform

Sometimes I wonder if I blog Pete Reid‘s creations too often. The problem is, he just posts such fantastic builds.

This landing “platform” is really several platforms and a tower, and they’re all just packed with detail. The texture really adds a lot to the impact of the model, as there’s seemingly always something else to look at. I think my favorite detail is the little door leading out to each platform.

Onyasis Landing Platform

I don’t like golf

But I have to admit that this beautifully landscaped course by Bryan (Eggy Pop) makes me kind of want to hit and chase a little ball around.

LEGO Eggy Pop golf course

Catsy’s EM-14 “Badger” Energy PDW goes “pew pew!”

Photos rarely do LEGO guns justice. They’re best seen from a distance or in person. Brandon Bannerman (Catsy) brought this very cool energy gun to the most recent SEALUG meeting.

LEGO energy gun

Brandon’s gun has a clip that pops out, stock that slides in, working trigger, and a very nice series of greebly bits for the sight. I couldn’t help making “pew pew” noises throughout the meeting, whenever someone picked it up.

Adorable micro sub discovers micro LEGO Atlantis

Tim Goddard (roguebantha_1138) brings us what is likely the first microscale creation inspired by the new LEGO Atlantis theme.

Microscale LEGO Atlantis

Note how Tim integrated the new Atlantis visor and helmet into the vehicle.

Purple is the New Black

I love hover bikes, and Cole Blaq has done a great job with his latest build in that genre. At the core of this thing is the cowl from Catwoman’s motorcycle, a largely useless part.

Purple Blaze Hover Bike

Livin’ in the desert can be tough.

Aaron Dayman‘s entry to this month’s Battle Bugs challenge is cute and deadly all in one sandy-terrain package.

Garrison at Pickerel Point

Stefan (busboy89) posted a fantastic fortification on a cliff, calling it Garrison at Pickerel Point. The whole creation is simply lovely, with all the rich detail. I personally adore the ivy on the cliff side.

LEGO Castle