Tag Archives: Space Police

Speeding to the scene of the crime

Builder Tim Goddardreturns with a LEGO speeder bike in this Space Police-inspired build.
I love speeder bikes, they’re an excellent quick build with table scraps and a fantastic way to practice just how useful those smallest LEGO pieces can be. This is seen from the very front of the bike where a Boomerang and Binocular are paired together to serve as steering vanes

Speeder Bicycle

What I particularly like is that the entire speeder bike is built around a bicycle frame. The frame serves as a great starting point to connect the wider build. The bike is made all the more striking by limiting the colours to those most familiar to Space Police fans, the recent Space Police Series 21 Collectible Minifigure is a perfect pilot for this one!

Speeder Bicycle

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A face as pretty as a song

At first glance this build by Dan Ko is interesting enough. The LEGO Space Police Logo draws you in, and maybe if you’re a child of the 80’s you’ll recognize that red beast as a Mantisaur from the He-Man universe. Or maybe you’ll just dig the Mantiasur’s cool part usage like hotdogs for eye ridges, feet, and claws. Or the 1×1 round plate “teeth” that remind me of another creepy build from Dan.  But then you look closer at the rider and you can’t help but think….”Hold on. That dude has a guitar for a head.”

Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police!

How do you feel about this character? Do you want to be his friend or do you want to pull a Hendrix and remove this being from our reality entirely? I admit to being slightly torn, myself. Anyway. If you want to return to the noble past (future?) of the Space Police, I suggest you view some of our previously featured builds!

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How low can you go?

Just how tiny a vehicle can you make that completely contains a minifigure and still looks sleek and sci-fi? This little beauty by Inthert has got to be near the limit, and it’s wonderfully slick. The main part of the body is formed by two of those new curved slopes that debuted in the 10295 Creator Expert Porsche 911, and when set at a 90-degree angle to each other they perfectly nestle a bubble canopy—trans dark blue, of course, for Space Police. And don’t miss the fantastic pod-engines with bucket handles on the intakes!

Space Police Speeder

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Do space police dream of astronaut llamas? Who would we even ask about that?

The current cold weather in the US has nothing on the cold of deep space. The aptly named Frost brings more love to Febrovery 2021 with the Spy-Trak V: “Trakin’ Spies since ’89”.  Complete with removable prison pod, this sweet ride has an aggressive stance that’s sure to intimidate any Space Llamas it runs across. It’s also an homage to the classic 6895 Spy Trak 1 set from 1989.

Febrovery 2021 Chapter 5 Hot Pursuit

Frost was kind enough to showcase the rover from multiple angles. You can really appreciate the ant-like shaping, and the strong contrast between the transparent red windscreen and the blue of the main body. This is the sort of build that goes to show you don’t have to use a million parts to make a slick creation with outstanding lines.

Spy-Trak V Multiple Views

Frost is building an entire fleet of rovers, and is even writing story around them. Here’s the starting point if you want to read along! And when you’re done, be sure to cruise our archives of other Febrovery builds!

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The next phase in chicken walker evolution

When hearing the term “chicken walker”, one tends to think of the famous AT-ST walkers from Star Wars. Those vehicles set the trend for walkers with avian-style legs, where the ankle joint is pronounced like a backward knee. Tim Goddard, co-author of LEGO Space: Building the Future, built a Space Police mech wholly inspired by avian anatomy. Not only the legs are inspired by “chicken walkers,” but the body and head resemble a bird as well. It’s always a welcome sightseeing a new addition to Tim’s already extensive Space Police fleet. This time, he used the new Space Policeman in the most recent LEGO Collectible Minifigures not only as parts but as an excuse to always keep on building Space Police!

Avian style space police walker

And by looking at the details on this build, his creations never disappoint. The highlight of this build is how Tim cleverly assembled the satellite dish using handlebars to create a circular shape. But the rear thrusters made up of Technic piston engine parts has got to be my favourite detail. The grey looks out of place from the blue and black color scheme, almost tacked on as an afterthought. It’s like someone decided to plonk on rockets to this mech so it can receive a boost to help with pursuits over uneven terrain.

See more of Tim’s amazing space-themed creations here!

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Space themes on wheels

Generally, when one thinks about yore’s classic space themes, big spaceship builds come to mind and occasionally a tiny rover. The G Brix gives us something different – a very large LEGO rover which can be flipped over, each side with its own aesthetic, depending on your mood it can be Blacktron or the Space Police.

Space Police/Blacktron Flipover Rover

The space police portion of the build uses vibrant translucent red elements, including the cockpit, and brilliant blue elements such as tiles and wing pieces. Of course, there are some distinguishing printed “police” tiles and slopes.

Space Police/Blacktron Flipover Rover

Now flip the build over and you get a very cool blacktron build complete in the black and yellow color scheme. Signature elements also included here are the yellow trans-clear cockpit and the printed slope with the blacktron logo.

Space Police/Blacktron Flipover Rover

This vehicle is a model and an RC car as well that can be controlled through an app. Overall it is an awesome build for any fan of classic space themes villainous or heroic.

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A brighter future (maybe)

Don’t get me wrong; I love me some sci-fi dystopian futures. But, after a while, it’s nice to see something a little more upbeat. Stenertje treats us to such a vision with “Space Police II Outpost.” Sure, it’s a police station, but look at how friendly and clean it is! There are trees, festive flags, and even a mailbox. The local mounties ride kaadu instead of heavily-armored speeder bikes. And the ship at the center of it all! Clean lines, and what appears to be only a hint of weaponry. It’s a breath of fresh air.

Space Police II Outpost
Pulling back the camera a little, things may not be quite as placid. The tops of the pylons surrounding the launch pad are covered with missile launchers and guns. And is that a robotic Gatling gun off to the right?
Space Police II Outpost
Well, no matter. I’m sure the heavily armed fortifications are just relics from the past, and not some subtle build up for a future Space Police theme…

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You have 20 nanoseconds to comply

When these cops come to kick your door in, they don’t mess around. Armed to the teeth and itching for a fight, the squad’s tactical mech carries a faint whiff of ED-209 from Robocop. However, Tim Goddard‘s model is a throwback to an altogether different slice of retro cop sci-fi–LEGO’s Space Police theme of 1989. There’s a tonne of lovely mechanical detailing in amongst the black, and the blue panels and red cockpit give the model some striking standout. I love the guns and missile launcher this thing is carrying, but the smaller arms hanging beneath the cockpit are the killer detail, lending the model some goofy character along with its more obvious menace.

SP59 Tactical Deployment Walker

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No, really. Space is curved.

When you hear the term “LEGO brick” your mind is drawn to an image of just that…a brick. Rectangular. Boxy. Brick Spirou shows us the alternative with the Space Police Interceptor. Decked out in classic Space Police I colors, this single-pilot ship is all about the curves. The wings feature the repetition of double-curved slopes in a design that reminds me of the air turbines you might see in a strictly atmospheric craft. The front forks have triple curved wedges that add even more smooth lines to the look.

Space Police Interceptor

The rear of the craft also has some nice shaping. An aircraft fuselage section leads your eyes to the just-textured-enough engines. My favorite detail, though, is the Hero Factory Spine placed just in front of the tail fin.

Space Police Interceptor

Space Police interceptors have been all the rage here at The Brothers Brick lately. Be sure to also check out the Galactic Interceptor we reviewed recently!

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Whatcha gonna do when the Space Police come for you?

Let’s take a moment and go back to 1992. If you’re about my age, you were probably sitting on the floor surrounded by a huge pile of LEGO bricks building literally the coolest spaceship ever. With the hindsight of 20+ years, it probably wasn’t that great, but to my childhood imagination, it looked a lot like this Space Police II ship by spaceruner, which is definitely the coolest spaceship ever. Inspired by classic sets 6781 SP-Striker and 6897 Rebel Hunter, it’s the perfect mashup of outlandish design and wickedly cool styling. Plus, who doesn’t love those classic Space Police II colors?

SP2 Striker class evolution

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Call the (Space) Cops!

Triangular shapes are never the easiest structures to put together in LEGO creations, so it’s always refreshing to see a fancy tri-wing spaceship design. LegOH!‘s latest model is a cool little Space Police creation — which looks just about perfect for chasing down any ships in breach of close-orbit speed limits. The bubble canopy is great, but it’s the way the lower wings curve around it, and the tall vertical fin which make this model really pop.

The spaceship doesn’t look too shabby from the rear either. The single thruster is simple but effective, and those red fuel tanks are a lovely touch…

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The intergalactic arm of the law

Turning his attention from his recent Blacktron builds, builder CK-MCMLXXXI has joined the right side of the law with his new Space Police 2 build. The Starmaster mkII has a brilliant spacey shape. It’s a simple dart form made from complicated LEGO slab arrangements, which hint at all manner of vents and inner workings. It’s complemented by smart printed piece usage, the Doctor Who K9 tile being a really neat touch (just behind the cockpit on the starboard–right–side). All spaceships deserve a lovely rear: check out those thrusters!

Space Police Starmaster

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