Tag Archives: Nikita Nikolsky

Look, up in the sky, it’s a LEGO hero!

What I love about this LEGO build is its toy look and feel! The alien invader Circuitron and the hero Brickman, by Nikita Nikolsky, feel like they’re stepping out of Pixar’s Toy Story. Part of this is the color choices and the other part is the shaping of the alien invader, both of which are exquisite. I really like the use of the Trolls hair piece for the plasma weapon. The superhero is pretty cool too, with a LEGO brick for a head, but the alien invader is the star of the scene. The parts usage and shaping of Circuitron are fantastic, and there’s a cool play feature in there too. If you turn the bit on Circuitron’s left-side Brickman will deliver the final blow in their epic duel! You can check out the feature in action here.


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Once you go green, you can’t go back

Spider-Man’s nemesis Green Goblin has never looked as good as he does in this awesome large-scale LEGO version by Nikita Nikolsky. The Green Goblin himself looks mighty good in a scale that makes the pumpkin bombs a perfect fit, but it’s the glider’s use of weird flat silver pieces, many of which came from Bionicle, that caught my eye first. The purple portions are paper shapes that Nikita cut out; I’d have loved to see a brick-built solution but I have to admit the paper looks good. (And for those LEGO purists out there who would complain, there’s plenty of precedent in official sets for incorporating custom paper shapes, such as the little-known Muji line).

Green Goblin

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Doo-Doo Racer from the Stone Jungle

Now here’s something you don’t see every day—or rather, no other day in the history of the world ever. LEGO builder Nikita Nikolsky lets loose a Doo-Doo Racer from the Stone Jungle and we’re not sure how that settles with us. It’s like Mad Max meets Caddyshack or Death Race 2000 meets National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Probably the less said about this the better. But if there were a B-List movie of the same title I’d likely watch it. Still, that’s some pretty sick camber on those tires though. The pipes are epic too but I don’t want to know what comes out of the exhaust.

Doo-Doo Racer from the Stone Jungle

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Wacky racers, unite!

We feature a lot of Serious LEGO Models™ here on TBB, with spaceships and mechs and fantasy dioramas. But sometimes it’s fun to just cut loose and celebrate the zany, and this Wheel-o-zoom by Nikita Nikolsky is the perfect antidote to the serious. Piloted by a crazy character mashed together from the Trolls theme who features a flower hat, the bright racer reminds me of LEGO’s various racer themes from the early 2000s, and the brilliant photo editing sells it. Despite being a completely ludicrous design, it’s still got loads of good techniques, from the side panels made of shield tiles to the Bionicle Tohunga feet as front axles. My favorite detail though? That purple wing from the Electro Throwbot hiding near the back. I haven’t seen one of those used on a model in ages.


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A hero in danger needs to maintain perspective

The insect-themed Captain Flywing tries to evade the terrifying tongue of Mr. Tad the Toad in a comic cover-worthy LEGO build by Nikita Nikolsky. The dramatic perspective achieved in this shot is due not just to the angle of the photograph, but the size certain elements were built at. Captain Flywing’s head and left hand are built to a larger scale than his right hand or his legs. But when viewed from the proper angle, it creates the illusion of a perfectly proportioned crime fighter in a dynamic action shot.

To be continued...

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Dead men don’t sweat

Okay, I have to admit, I am nog a big connoisseur when it comes to LEGO big figures, technique, Bionicle and Galidor. But I do know an amazing creation using parts from those themes when I see one. This creation by Nikita Nikolsky features a lot of weird and interesting parts. I am just about sure there is even DUPLO hidden in the design of the treasure chest.

Dead men don't sweat

There is a lot to love about these figures. For one the expression on their faces. For two undead characters they appear to be very much alive and kicking. The attention to detail, when you look at the belt buckle or the gold embellishment on the shoes. And last but not least, the exaggeration when it comes to the size of the lock on the chest, but also the use of a plunger for a peg leg. Nikita also has been experimenting with the distance between the two characters and their scales. One is actually built on a smaller scale than the other.

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Neither rain nor sleet nor discarded fruit skin...

There’s almost too much clever parts usage in this LEGO delivery-monkey character by Nikita Nikolsky. Nah, I’m just kidding. You can never have enough excellent part usage! With the red snake for the monkey’s tie, the Dots bracelet for the strap on its mailbag, and the Bohrok masks strapped on as knee and elbow pads, this build is certainly overflowing with examples. The motion Nikita has created here is fantastic, with the rocket shoes shooting out flames and the white smoke trail leading up to a bit of hazardous fruit. It’s clear that letters are about to start flying! And I’ve got to take a minute to marvel at those shoes, some of the best brick-built ones I’ve seen. The white tread, on full display as our runner falls prone, is a symphony of texture befitting the rocket-propelled footwear.

Unlucky seven-league boots

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What kid hasn’t dreamed of conquering other worlds?

Nikita Nikolsky takes us for a play date on an alien planet with this creative build. An extraterrestrial child dreams of interstellar conquest as he plays out his flying saucer toy attacking the sand castle he built. Despite his murderous intentions, there’s tons to love about this alien, from his expressive face to the use of the lime elements as sporty beach wear. I’m not looking forward to having to one day bow before him after he’s conquered Earth. But, at the same time, it’s gonna be like, “I’m proud of you, kid. You made it.”

Kids grow up so fast

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