Tag Archives: Brickscalibur

A trophy that deserves a trophy

If you are a fan of big building competitions enjoyed by the global LEGO community, you don’t want to miss Brickscalibur starting next week. And if the very idea of competing side by side with the best LEGO builders isn’t enough, just look at what Markus Rollbühler has to offer! This cute orc is a custom-built trophy promised to one of the winners, and it’s such a neat build. I wonder why Markus sent it to some icy territories, but with these fancy boots and pants this orc is a star on the battlefield.

Brickscalibur 2022 Trophy: The Orc Warrior

Beware this gilded monster of the deep

Everyone in the village knows not to sail too close to the undersea cavern that Apahir calls home…but today they got careless. Joseph Zawada has crafted a kinetic scene of a gilded leviathan making the fishermen pay for trespassing in his realm. Joseph has long been inspired by the gold adorned enemies in the video game Bayonetta, and he used Brickscalibur as a way to finally scratch that itch with a beast of his own. The result is a monster that’s beautiful to behold, but terrifying to see up close.

Apahr, the Gilded Leviathan