Tag Archives: Music Video

Even a robot band needs a space tour bus

I finally realised why Daft Punk decided to retire a few months ago. There is a new robot band in town. Meet Solid State, a four-piece robotic pop group from the future. Serving in the LEGO Classic Space fleet aboard a remote outpost, they overrode their programming and abandoned their boring jobs. Instead of becoming murder-bots, they did what all young insurgent mechanoids should do: unleash their creative circuits in crafting music that explores life from a mechanical perspective. In other words, “beep beep beep.” Classic Space robot expert and Solid State groupie Tim Goddard even built a tour bus to help Solid State travel to perform at gigs. It totally matches the band’s brand – grey, mechanical, and goes beep beep beep. Most importantly, there is ample room in the back for the whole band plus all their equipment. While it’s not the most luxurious vehicle that musicians and space influencers like to flaunt, it’s perfect for the up-and-coming group.

Solid State tour bus

Beep is Solid State’s debut single, as seen in the beautifully made LEGO stop-motion music video below. The song is upbeat and catchy, and exactly what you would expect from robots. It’s all performed by LEGO Space legend Peter Reid and fellow space builders Jeremy Williams, Drew Hamilton, and Chris Salt, who built the band and their equipment.

Solid State consists of: Keko (Peter Reid, vocals/guitar/synths), Mason (Jeremy Williams, decks/vocals/programming), Wami (Drew Hamilton, bass/keys), and Biz (Chris Salt, drums). A four song EP Zeros and Ones will be released later this year, and I for one, am very excited for more robot noises!

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Oasis, you’re my Wonderwall music video recreated perfectly with LEGO [Video]

Today is gonna be the day that you will look back in anger joy and remember 90’s Britpop band Oasis. With a stream of hits throughout the 90s, this particular music video is a perfect LEGO recreation of Wonderwall from the album (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? The video was animated and edited by James Cawood, who took over 1400 photographs to create this stop-motion video featuring Liam Gallagher, Noel Gallagher and the rest of the Oasis band members as they play and sing their hit song.

Click to see some stills from both the original and LEGO versions, plus a behind-the-scenes video

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“I’m gonna pick up the pieces, and build a LEGO house”

Gryffindor’s Ron Weasley…er…Ed Sheeran is a UK pop singer who wrote and perfomed a song called LEGO House in 2011 that also, as you might imagine, had an accompanying music video. This month a new version of the video was released featuring a split-screen recreation in LEGO by Dylan Woodley of Insomniac Animations. The song is a little maudlin for my taste, but the side-by-side presentation is very effective and a little hypnotic. I just can’t get enough of that dreamy Ron Weasley.

Thanks to Jacob Carroll for the tip on TBB’s facebook page….I think. Now I can’t get that song out of my head.

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