Tag Archives: Andor

Try not to B2EMO on Rix Road

Big screen Star Wars adventures might lean heavily into swooshable LEGO-ready ships and alien vistas, but Andor emphasized sides of that galaxy far, far away that feel uncannily grounded and close to home. Abe Fortier (Hypolite Bricks) has been recreating those gritty, lived-in spaces with vignettes from every episode of the series’ first season, and his latest – a tribute to the uprising on Ferrix – movingly captures the spark of revolution from the finale. A digitally added projection of Maarva Andor looms large over the tense scene, but look closely and you’ll see that she also appears in brick-built form as… a brick, as per Ferrix traditions, the remains of local heroes are “bricked” into funerary stones. Bricks feature heavily in Abe’s creation, which uses no less than five colors of masonry bricks to recreate the earthy tones of Rix Road.

Andor Finale | Uprising on Rix Road Ferrix

See more of Cassian’s exploits in LEGO form below

A cute and/or lovable droid

Whatever you think of Star Wars content of late, you have to admit they’ve been crushing it in the ‘lovable droids’ department. SPARKART! has given us a digital creation featuring the latest addition to this roster: B2EMO, from the on-going Andor show. Cassian clearly has a thing for sassy robot companions, although B2 here is a little politer than K-2SO was in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This model is apparently capable of “squishing” to replicate B2’s hunker-down-and-hide mode, which is a cool detail. Overall it’s also a good imitation of the droid’s run-down, patchy appearance. I’m sure this won’t be the last time we see this lovable robot in LEGO form!

"That's two lies."

To steal from the Empire...

To celebrate today’s premiere of Andor on Disney+, Eric T has recreated a scene from the trailer as an impressive LEGO vignette. It can’t be easy recreating a scene you haven’t seen in full – especially a scene that’s as dimly lit as the one Eric has chosen. But Eric’s enthusiasm for the show, combined with a bit of artistic license and the minifigures from 75338 Ambush on Ferrix, got him over the finish line.

Star Wars: Andor - Steal from the Empire

LEGO Star Wars 75338 Ambush on Ferrix – you might be blindsided by how much fun it is – [Review]

At the end of August, Disney+ will offer yet another glimpse of that galaxy far, far away with Andor, the TV series that serves as a prequel to Rogue One (itself a prequel to A New Hope). Not much is known about the series beyond the fact that Diego Luna is returning to play the title character Cassian Andor, the soldier who helped Jyn Erso steal the Death Star plans. Well, we’ve gotten our hands on LEGO’s Andor tie-in set, 75338 Ambush on Ferrix, and we’re ready to share its secrets with you. This 679-piece set will be available August 1st for US $69.99 | CAN $89.99 | UK £69.99

The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.

(No Bothans were harmed to bring you this information.)