Tag Archives: Superhero

Pop culture flattened and served in a fresh new way

There are so many ways that LEGO can be used as an art medium and it’s been a long while since I’ve seen a different take on using the simplest elements to convey a whole lot. Granted that it’s not actually placed together on any studs, and are digital renders, but the arrangement of odds and ends by GYUTA is simply delightful and so on-point.

This could not have happened in the early years of LEGO art arrangement as the round 1×1 quarter tiles were only introduced in 2016 and the 1×1 half-circle tiles a year later with various colours slowly trickling in over the recent years. There are so many great designs that I’m so spoilt for choice and think it would be a disaster to miss any of these being highlighted. Let’s take a stroll down pop-culture lane and see what you think of these.

Click to see more

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Spider-Ham, Spider-Ham, does whatever a spider does

You may know him from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse or from the comics but, regardless of how you were introduced, Spider-Ham is one of the more creative characters in the Marvel Universe. Alanboar Cheung has captured that creativity in LEGO-form, and this build is fun! Not just in the playful pose, but in the use of parts too. I personally love the hammer built out of turret walls and the chairs used as the ends of his ears. What other creative parts usage can you see? Overall, I think this model is great – a real ham, if you will!

LEGO Spider-Ham

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Incredible, fully lit LEGO Batman Wayne Manor with huge Batcave underneath stands over 6 feet tall [Exclusive]

We’ve always known that Batman has it pretty sweet, with a huge mansion sitting atop a cave for all his toys. But this jaw-dropping creation by Brent Waller shows us the full extent of Batman’s lair, from the gorgeous gothic architecture of the Wayne Manor to the dark depths of the Batcave. Brent has given TBB an exclusive early look at all the details of this incredible creation, so let’s check it out.

Click to see more pictures and a video of the Manor and Batcave

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One of a kind bounty hunter on a bike: DC’s Lobo

This astounding creation by Shawn Snyder has Bounty Hunter Lobo mounted on his spacehog reclining in his signature pose. Much larger than it seems, this creation stands 30 inches long, 18 inches wide and nearly as tall. Both Lobo’s eyes and his space hog’s skull light up with Power Functions.

You really don’t want to miss out on the details on this, click to see more

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LEGO Batman Vs Superman

Tommy Williamson, of BrickNerd, has just released a hilarious film depicting an encounter between the Hero of Gotham and the Hero of Metropolis. The movie poster is pretty awesome as well…

Batman Vs Superman

(Poster Art by Paul Lee)

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Holy ravioli!

Tumbler schmumbler, if you’re an old fart like me then there can be only one true batmobile, and that’s the one from the super-camp 60’s TV show starring Adam West and Burt Ward! As many of you know, this year marks the 75th anniversary of Batman, and than means we’ve seen a lot of new LEGO sets and fan builds celebrating the Batman franchise. Including one rather disappointing attempting by the LEGO company to create an exclusive “chibi” batmobile for ComicCon. So many thanks to Orion Pax for rectifying the situation with this super-accurate version!

And you can check out the full gallery of images over on Mr P’s website here.

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Adorable superheros are adorable

This would certainly be an awesome team-up – although it would never happen as we have a mix of Marvel and DC superheros here. But that certainly didn’t stop TKH from applying his normally anime-focused “chibi” building style and applying it to some Western characters. Super-cute!

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As straight as an arrow

If my local comic book store is any indicator, comic fans are often action figure fans too. So I’d imagine followers of DC’s Green Arrow would just love to get their hands on this LEGO version by French builder Nicolas “icare” Picot. Standing 50cm tall, it has 44 points of articulation, which qualifies it as ready for action in my book!

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Couch Potatoes: Saving the world, one snack at a time!

Here’s a fiendishly clever little concept from Angus MacLane, the guy that made character building more accessible by dreaming up CubeDudes. And like CubeDudes, I suspect this pattern is destined to be widely imitated – with or without the couches. Each vignette features a brick-built superhero or screen character kicking back after a long day’s superheroing (…or in some cases, chestbursting).


Angus hopes to continue the series over the coming months, with even more examples of superhuman relaxation. And if Destro’s demeanor is any indication, I suspect the villains will turn out to be having a worse day than the heroes!

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