Tag Archives: Abstract

What do paint buckets and pirates have in common?

Well, what do they have in common? Absolutely nothing! Sorry to disappoint you, but this is really more of an abstract art challenged driven by a contest to build a LEGO creation in a single color. Builder Markus Rollbühler cleverly builds a gravity-defying paint bucket and a tiny pirate ship sailing off the edges of spilt paint. So, since we’re on the topic, what’s a pirate’s favorite color? For sure it’s not yellow, but.. if you’ve not gotten it yet, it’s ARR-inge.

Paint Bucket Pirates

The concrete results of artistic abstraction

When building with LEGO bricks, most people opt for recreating something that mirrors our experiences. We draw inspiration from the real world — maybe we look to movies, literature, or some other media, but our creations look like things that exist…or could possibly exist…in our reality. What, then, should we make of the artistic abstractions of Crimso Giger? Even though they exist as physical models, these spaces are like nothing we’d expect to encounter. Crimso has combined geometric abstraction with sculpture, leading us into an unfamiliar world without giving us a roadmap.
Sure, you can try and make sense of these images by trying to force some sort of logic onto them. Take Abstract – Yellow Grey Black, for example. The choice of colors and shapes reminds me of the interior of a computer, or a cityscape that’s been bent like a scene from Inception or Doctor Strange. But that’s just my perspective – maybe this is something else entirely.

Abstract - Yellow Grey Black

Abstract – White Black Red makes me think of gaming. The red and black tiles seem to form a checkerboard, and the black and white groupings remind me of backgammon boards and dice. But what is that construction in the center? Is the “x” shape in the 1x6x5 rectangular girder a call out to Tic-Tac-Toe? Have I completely missed the point? I just don’t know!

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The art of the butterfly

LEGO artists often title their creations with a cryptic title like “Daydream” or skip the title altogether, allowing the viewer more freedom in interpretation. Dario Minisini’s latest creation surprises with a descriptive and beautiful title: “Life is not always grey. There are colors too.”

Life is not always grey there are colors too

Multiple gray butterflies leading to a rainbow-colored one makes for a powerful composition. Their flight path seemingly implies that the colorful butterfly and its monochromatic counterparts represent a single butterfly, possibly viewed from a different angle or transformed as it flies through the triangle. Supports are made from bent translucent bar pieces that Dario uses in many of his builds. I think it’s great how Dario manages to keep the creation’s message open-ended, even with the descriptive title. However, it is not quite true that the three gray butterflies are void of color – they use sand blue wedge plates for the undersides of the wings. Could this be a subtle message or just a lack of parts?

A LEGO brick that quite literally oozes with art

I am a big fan of LEGO art, and nothing makes me happier than being able to share it with the world here on the Brothers Brick. Today’s work of art is an abstract creation by jarekwally. It represents a black 1×1 brick leaking colors, but the meaning is left for us to interpret. The builder shares nothing in the description except that the idea was in his head for months.

Brick Art

There are three major components to the build, with each having being well done. First, there is the instantly recognizable upscaled black 1×1 brick. Next, we have colors bursting from its open top, using curved parts to emulate a bubbling effect. The third part is the splash, which conveys a dynamic sense of action. Why is it a 1×1 brick? What is the significance of the colors? What makes them bubble out of the brick? I will let you, the reader, decide.

No creature can look upon his face and endure his terrible heat

Every LEGO creation is a work of art. Whether it’s good or bad is a whole other discussion, where opinions are driven by personal interpretation. However, there is often a pattern amongst creations built with artistic intent — simple colours, high contrasts, and plain minifigs, a style seemingly evolved from “black fantasy” themes, popular in the building community about a decade ago. Anthony Wilson is no stranger to this expressive style, but his recent creation — c̸̡̹̉͝ţ̴̳̻͎̱̹͙̇͂͛͜ǫ̸͈̹͙͍͚͌̾̿͒̐̽ţ̴̧͔͖͙̺̈3̸̧̧̛̯̥͛͊͒̄̾̕b̴͕̦̑̈́̎̚5̴͎̱̫̺̮̪̈́4̷̢̭̰̻̯̳̖͔̅̊̃̒͛͝3̶̥͈̳̻̫̘̎s̵̟̃̀̾̐̃͒͠d̷̬̂̑́̍̕̕g̸̨̰̳̩̫͆̍̂̇͜ͅ4̵̟͉͇͈̯̩̔͌̚ͅͅ — takes it to a whole new level. It could mean anything, but everyone is welcome to come up with their own interpretation.


The angelic figure at the center is certainly imposing. It contains thematic as well as visual contrasts with the gaping blood-red mouth and tentacles. The gray path lined with braziers, and the audience of faceless minifigs give the build a sense of movement and twisted life. The figures mimic the shape and colours of the wings, and the fires extend the reach of the tentacles, enveloping the black minifig — seemingly the subtle centrepiece of the creation.