LEGO artists often title their creations with a cryptic title like “Daydream” or skip the title altogether, allowing the viewer more freedom in interpretation. Dario Minisini’s latest creation surprises with a descriptive and beautiful title: “Life is not always grey. There are colors too.”
Multiple gray butterflies leading to a rainbow-colored one makes for a powerful composition. Their flight path seemingly implies that the colorful butterfly and its monochromatic counterparts represent a single butterfly, possibly viewed from a different angle or transformed as it flies through the triangle. Supports are made from bent translucent bar pieces that Dario uses in many of his builds. I think it’s great how Dario manages to keep the creation’s message open-ended, even with the descriptive title. However, it is not quite true that the three gray butterflies are void of color – they use sand blue wedge plates for the undersides of the wings. Could this be a subtle message or just a lack of parts?
Each one of those butterflies uses 6x 3×3 quarter round plates, which would need 18 in light-bley to complete them in monochrome. They’re not exactly uncommon, though with the low end just barely dipping below $0.10/ea on Bricklink, there are definitely some builders who would pass on ever buying them loose. However, the fact that the left butterfly has printed minifig arms, and the sand-blue quarter rounds are quite a bit less common and a bit more expensive (and there are only two sets that come with one pair each), make me think this was more a case of rushing to get it built and not having time to wait for orders to arrive.