Monthly Archives: August 2011

Country-style buildin’

David Pagano (Paganomation) posted an stop-motion Lego music video about country-style building. This will surely get you out of a building block and inspire you to do some building on top of your building!

Trafalgar Not So Square

Chase Lewis (Chase.Lewis [Vid]) has left us a lovely parting gift as he heads off to college. This micro scale battlecruiser has a nice shape that’s interesting without being overwrought. There are some nice detail pieces thrown on, and some spaces left open for implied detail. The presentation on a stand, with escorts, is also a nice touch.



Some aliens might be good mainly for getting splatter kills, but others look like you might want to play a nice game of contract bridge with them instead. I like to think this mustachioed alien by Nathan Proudlove has the sophistication to represent the latter. Or he might just know Kung Fu and be more interested in kicking your butt. Who’s to say?


Lego Halo Ghost and Banshee by Legohaulic

Tyler shows that you don’t need a pre-designed piece to build a Lego Halo Banshee in minifigure scale. The Ghost and Covenant units are also quite nice.

Purple Haze

Waitin’ for the 10:30 train departin’ here, headin’ for there....

Feel the heat on your skin? The dry, dry wind whistles past, and the hushed conversations of those on the platform drift your way. The horses keep quiet, and you just stand…wait…for the train to arrive, to take you out of this desolate place towards a new place, a new time, and perhaps a new beginning.

…awww, shucks. Look at what you made me do, Matija! I wrote a vignette. Not a good one, mind you, but still. That’s what your creation does, you see. It inspires.

Great West Railway Station

The details in this are so lovely and so numerous that I’ll let you spot them on your own.

Another fabulous find by Tommy!

Meet your new arm

I love the look of awe/wonder/”what on earth have I done” that this figures displays as he ponders his new appendage. Arkøv did well here. Very well.

Prosthetic Armour 2

It gives me the jibblies

This one by Moko is giving me the creeps and that is all I have to say about that.

Nikaia Antipolis

This temple by Dan76 is stunning. I don’t see enough ancient-themed creations and this makes me want more. The statuary, the architecture, the interiors…I could go on and on. You really need to check out all the pictures. It will be well worth your time.

Something with which to capture life–LEGO style

I appreciate a creation that looks like it’s truly made of brick, and has that feel of something created out of something else. Then there are creations that you have to do a double-take to make sure that yes, you really did just see that, and yes, it is in fact made of brick. Matt Armstrong (monsterbrick) and his antique Kodak camera made me do just that.

This just captures the look and feel of a classic, antique piece of photographic history. I expect it to function like a camera, and I expect the exposure to look fabulous and clear and in that old-timey sepia-tone.

Jaw dropping. Seriously. I just couldn’t pass it by.

Thanks, Tommy, for the heads up!

Reinforcements arrive in style

Raoul Baldwin (Raoulosos) built a giant troop transport craft to carry infantry units and vehicles into the heat of combat. The mix of greens and black creates a camouflaged pattern while the tan interior adds a beautiful contrast.

E7 Trooptransporter1

Seeking whom it may devour

This is ‘Skull’s Deamon’ and it has a rather freaky look to it, if you ask me, which you didn’t. David has achieved that unique look by building this monstrosity out of virtually nothing but Star Wars battle droid pieces. I think I’m going to have nightmares tonight.

Skull´s Deamon

Texas State Railroad Engines Pt II

This post is a follow up to Josh’s. When Tony Sava posted engine #201 I spotted “I will be taking photos of all of the TSRR LEGO locomotives together” in the description and decided to wait for said photo. Josh jumped in ahead of me so I’m making a new post for the big pic.

Locomotves of the Texas State Railroad