Tag Archives: Toni A

Flora and fauna are fused into one Veggiesaurus Rex

So, the name “Veggiesaurus Rex” in the title might be my own doing, but the LEGO-built Cyatheales Carnivorous is most certainly the work of Bionicle builder Toni A. The lovely color scheme of black lizard parts meshed with dark green vegetation is adorned with plenty of white claws and teeth. Plus those six red eyes – at least, I’m guessing they’re eyes – have finally locked onto the beast’s next meal. It might be a good idea to get out of here now before this raptor of roughage strikes.

Cyatheales Carnivorous

Bile and tears overflow, drowning everything in sorrow

Man, I really brought the room down with that title! But sometimes good art has to make you feel a bit down in the dumps. Take this new LEGO creation by Toni A, for example. It’s a tentacled creature called St. Abholos. It’s all part of a larger campaign to totally squig you the heck out, and I think it’s working. It’s more of a Cosmic Horror dread, which is much deeper than the sorrow you feel when you lose a comb. While you ponder your own insignificance in this universe, why not take a gander at some other like-minded Lovecraftian Horrors all hellbent on squelching your good time.

St. Abholos