Tag Archives: Montgomery Burns

Behold! Busy bibliophiles blissfully browsing

If you’re the sort who lives to read, chances are you’ve dreamed of having a gigantic library filled with every book your heart desires. Consider that wish granted, even if it’s in tiny LEGO brick form. The “Scriptorium,” an eye-popping build by Montgomery Burns, has everything a book lover might want. Cozy reading chairs! Cool quasi-medieval ambiance! And of course, enough books to keep Albus Dumbledore (spotted on the fourth floor) or William Shakespeare (on his way to the third-level floor terrace) occupied with ample reading material. Said books come in different thicknesses and heights; along with actual minifig book elements, I can spot 1×2 plates with a slide thingy, stacked 1×1 slopes, ingot bricks, and even candle pieces (to represent scrolls), to name a few. (Who cares if you can’t actually read any of these books? They look darn good on the shelf.)

Scriptorium 2.0

No admittance except on party business!

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. So begins The Hobbit, and this LEGO build of Bag End by Kris Kelvin looks just as a cozy as can be, overflowing with verdant foliage and a charmingly weather-beaten look. The flexible rubber elements make a fantastic rustic fence, while a patchwork road and pathway seem very appropriate to Hobbiton.

Bag End

I’ve got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key

Well, it’s not exactly mine but if you ask the vehicle’s creator, Kris Kelvin, he might provide you with the key. This impressive LEGO build of a combine harvester perfectly recreates the details of the real-life farm vehicle. At the front, spikes are used as the forward prongs and red wagon wheels form part of the threshing drum with clip pieces attached to them. Minfigure neck brackets portray the headlights on the roof. The chute, sticking off the side, uses a red bucket to represent the tip of the funnel where the grain would be offloaded onto a trailer. The model appears to be in scale with minifigures and would be an ideal addition to any farm diorama.

Combine harvester

Not just your garden greenhouse

If you’ve never been to a botanical garden, you should go. As a kid, the first one I ever visited was the Butchart Gardens in British Columbia, Canada. I recall feeling like I had entered a wonderland. And as I saw the greenhouses, I realized I would never look at them the same way again. Since then, of course, I have been exposed to many large gardens and massive greenhouses, but I’ll never forget the beginning. This LEGO build by Kris Kelvin (Montgomery Burns) reminds me of that experience. It may be mostly veggies as opposed to flowers, but those big greenhouses sure are striking!


The huge display is filled with nice element usage, especially through the implementation of minifigure parts and accessories. There are also a couple of fun touches for those keen to investigate closely. Although it’s not a new technique, I’m personally fond of the fence design. Apparently, this will be part of an even larger diorama, which we can’t wait to see in its entirety! In the meantime, check out some of this builder’s other excellent work.