Based on designs from the original Mobile Suit Gundam series, Rokan Cheung has built the main Gundam mech head and a BrickHeadz version of its pilot, Amuro Rey. A variety of slope and angled pieces have been used to create the complex shapes of the head. Corner panels are stacked together to form the vent sections on the sides of the helmet. The BrickHeadz build has some great features, such as croissants representing curls in the fringe and tooth pieces portraying sharp-pointed boots. With official LEGO set releases such as Voltron and Optimus Prime in recent years, maybe there’s potential that something like Rokan’s models might appear in the future.
Tag Archives: Mobile Suit Gundam
Gundam grunt has a turn in the spotlight
Gundam mech designs are often covered in sharp angles, making it difficult to portray them in LEGO form. However, Derrick Li has done a fantastic job at recreating this GM mech from the Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt anime. Instead of going for a flat, plain visor, the green eye area protrudes out slightly in order to form a more circular shape for the head. The areas in dark turquoise are actually dark blue in the original design, but the color change in this model assists in accentuating the details of the torso.
The model also looks to be well articulated, and it comes equipped with a rifle and a beam saber. Macaroni pieces perfectly create the odd rounded feet of the mech.
Two from Uma
Our chief medical officer here on the Brothership has informed me that our stockpile of hemoglobin is critically low, so please welcome newcomer umamen who brings some fresh blood to this venerable blog. We are proudly presenting a pair of Uma’s mecha for your Sunday viewing pleasure, the Gundam RX-78-2 and the MS-06F ZAKU II which were both inspired by the collected works of Pete Corp.
Mecha Instructions from Soren. w00t!
Ever wanted to build a mecha of your own? Not satisfied with puzzling out building techniques from Brickshelf pictures? Wonder no more! Soren Roberts and Tim Gould have teamed up to announce step-by-step instructions for Soren’s RGM-79C GM mecha:
View the partslist and download the instructions (in PDF format).
(Okay, so I have some catching up to do… Credit to mumu for blogging this first.)
Baby Gundam by MOKO
This is the saddest, cutest little Gundam I have ever seen:
EDIT (11/1/05): Moko has titled this creation “Gundam without vigour.” I assume this is a translation of the Japanese “Genki nai Gundam” (「元気ないガンダム」). The word “genki” can mean several things in Japanese, including “energy,” “spirit,” “health,” and “cheerfulness.” I think the last one is the most correct in this context, so “Depressed Gundam” or “Gundam with the Blues” is probably a more accurate translation. Hope that doesn’t sound too pedantic… I fault Moko’s dictionary. ;-)