Tag Archives: Maschinen Krieger


Oddly perhaps, one of the things I enjoyed most about the Maschinen Krieger models I built myself a couple years ago was not the hardsuits and vehicles themselves but the little bases I made to display them. Matthew Oh takes this to a whole new level with the highly detailed ruins with which he surrounds his SAFS “Wolverine” hardsuit.

Ma.K SAFS Wolverine Diorama

Many LEGO builders take our inspiration for Ma.K models from the creations of plastic modelers both working with the original kits and scratch-building in the Ma.K universe inspired by nothing more than their imagination. The cross-section profile of Matthew’s LEGO diorama beautifully matches the aesthetic of what plastic modelers do, while retaining enough visible studs to ensure it’s abundantly evident that the model is built from LEGO. Oh, and that roof!

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Black is the New Black

MakTober is long past but Calin (_Tiler) delivers a fresh helping of fantastic photography with this rendition of the familiar Falke in a glossy black paint scheme. With just the right number of details and a tastefully reserved color palette, this build almost seems more appropriate for a showroom floor than a futuristic battlefield.

Genre fans should be sure to check out Calin’s holiday photo as well, featuring some gorgeously constructed SAFS suits.

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And I would eat them with a Krote...and in a Banana Boat.

This Eggeater by Logan (∞CaptainInfinity∞) is pretty spot on considering how wacky of a shape this starfighter has. He has used a lot of neat techniques throughout the build, in particular I really like how he achieved the detailing along the top of the gun. And then of course there is the brilliant photo composition, the combination of brick built foreground and digitally edited background is incredibly pleasing to the eye.


So I will eat them in a box
And I will eat them with a Falkes
And I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them with a Fledermaus.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANHYWHERE!

I do so like
green Eggeaters and ham!
Thank you!
Thank you,

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An apple a day keeps the Strahl away.

Andy Baumgart (D-Town Cracka) is no stranger to military hardware. But his latest creation has a little sci-fi twist of the Maschinen Krieger variety. And it is rather brilliant.

Mercenary A-793 'Apple Cart'

The rough and tumble detailing coupled with the custom paint job/stickers makes this look right at home in the Ma.K universe. Even the name is perfectly suited for the genre.

And check out this blueprint edit…how cool is this?!

Mercenary A-793 'Apple Cart' Blueprint

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Yes...it really is the start of another theme month

Well if SHIPtember has taught me anything, it’s that it will be one tough act to follow. Gargantuan spaceships of all shapes, sizes and colours have been created throughout the month. So what better way to segue in to Ma.Ktober than a Maschinen Krieger themed SHIP.

SAFS P-Boat Banana Hammock 'Tintin'

Now, I use the term ‘SHIP’ loosely here, because let’s be honest, it is basically a giant space barbell. But it did drain me of most of my 2×2 white tiles, curved slopes in both dark grey and white and did reach the 100 stud minimum length requirement. Also it swooshes like a dream, so I’ll give it a pass just this once.

But really I am not here to talk about my SHIP, I am here to tell you all to set aside your technic beams and large plates, pick up your curvy bits & bobs and get ready to make sweet sweet Maschinen Kriegery goodness. And not wanting to break with tradition my friend Victor Vercesi designed an absolutely amazing piece of work based on some of my Ma.K models. Again the design is available on Victor’s Society 6 Shop or his Redbubble Shop to buy on T-Shirts, Art Prints, phone cases, stickers etc.

Ma.Ktoberfest 2013

So if you aren’t played out from all the SHIPing, pop on over to the Ma.Ktoberfest 2013 Bierzelt and join in on the fun.

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Now that is a whole lotta Ma.K!

Ok, last post I promise…

Pascal just posted the final poster of all the Ma.Ktoberfest entries. Huge thanks to him for the amount of effort doing all that editting!

So what is my opinion on this past month? One word, “WOW!”

When I first planned on organizing the build challenge, I figured there would be a decent amount of participation, but the sheer number of builds and the quality thereof absolutely exceeded all expectations. It really was neat to sit back and watch so many builders get in on the fun. So gigantic thank you to all that participated, it was an absolute blast!


MaKtoberfest 2012 Poster

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Ma.Ktoberfest Chancellor Pascal

Well Ma.Ktoberfest wraps up today, what a month it has been. Stay tuned for my final announcement, but in the meantime I want to make mention of one builder in particular who most certainly stepped up to the plate. Keep in mind he has done all of this while at the same time editing everyone else’s contributions for the final poster…

Not since Nnenn’s epic Novvember performance, have I seen a contribution to a monthly build challenge on par with what Pascal (paukaru76) did this Ma.Ktoberfest. Each day of the month he posted a different model, and his ability to capture the aesthetic with his unique minimalist style is just beyond awesome. The creativity just makes me so happy :)

My MaKtoberfest 2012

So a HUGE thanks to you buddy! You kept producing brilliant stuff the entire month, and kept us all entertained!

Please be sure to click through his photostream if you haven’t already, there is some absolutely glorious stuff in there. Here are a few of my favourites:

PKA Ausf. RothschildPKA-25 Knickebein


Strahl S/18 FeuerorgelStrahl SfG-12 Luftnummer



Happy Ma.Ktoberfest & Hallowe’en to all!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Making Ma.K while the sun still shines

LEGO Ma.K SAFS by .Tromas on FlickrA new super-ship by Pierre is a tough act to follow, but here goes anyway!

I find it incredibly challenging both to build on a deadline and to build within someone else’s aesthetic — I’ve managed to avoid both over the years. I’d admired LEGO creations inspired by Maschinen Krieger for a long time, and I’m reasonably sure I ran across the original Kow Yokoyama kits in hobby shops back in Japan in the 80’s, but I’d never tried my hand at the theme.

At the end of September, I decided it was time to seek my fortune in greener pastures (yup, I’m available!), taking a few weeks off to look for a new gig. Thus, with more “LEGO time” than I normally have, the Ma.Ktoberfest build challenge organized by TR and Pascal seemed like the perfect opportunity to participate.

Faced with a big pile of curvy bricks, I got into the Ma.K spirit by pumping out a few variations on TR’s wonderful SAFS (Super Armored Fighting Suit) design. As much as I love all the hyper-detailed suits at larger scales, I think TR’s design is absolutely perfect for minifig-scale.

This “Wolverine” anti-air unit is based on an original design by B. Kreuger of Maschinen Krueger, where I found quite a lot of inspiration and reference.

S.A.F.S.F. Wolverine Air Defense Unit (1)

But building a few small hardsuits wasn’t what I set out to do; reproducing one of Maschinen Krieger originator Kow Yokoyama’s designs was high on my list of Ma.Ktoberfest priorities. Perhaps a big curvy hovertank might’ve been simpler than the fiddly bits in this automated reconnaissance robot, but I’m fairly pleased with my “Neuspotter”.

Ma.K NS465 Neuspotter (1) Ma.K NS465 Neuspotter (3)

Ultimately though, I wanted to create an original design of my own that still felt like it could be from the Maschinen Krieger universe. My “Kookaburra” incorporates pneumatic tanks underneath a sand-green cowling. Oddly, I’m proudest of the detailed base and crew…

Ma.K "Kookaburra" (1)

Here’s the Kookaburra on patrol with another variation on TR’s SAFS design, a space-based electronic warfare version I’m calling the Growler.

Kookaburra & Growler on patrol

You can see all of my Ma.Ktoberfest contributions in my photoset on Flickr.

So, having overcome two of my building blocks — deadlines & others’ aesthetics — I think it’s time to treat myself to that Ma.Ktoberfest T-shirt that TR designed!

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The Big Ma.K

Well I think Sean & Steph Mayo (Siercon and Coral) win the prize for making me laugh the hardest at any LEGO model! I love a good play on words at the best of times, but you mix that with Maschinen Krieger during Ma.Ktoberfest…and you know I am gonna like it :D

The Big MaK

And you simply must watch the commercial!

Well played guys, very well played!!

I would link to the Creations for Charity site for those that may be interested in buying this glorious creation…but too late, I already bought it for myself!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

If these are walkers...I want to get old!

So maybe I am a leg man…at least when it comes to ficticious 28th century machines.

Today’s feature is all about delicious stompy goodness. And since Hallowe’en is just around the corner it is rather convenient that in the Ma.K world these also tend to be creepy as well :D

Chris Maddison goes old school with a pod…that just so happens to have a nice sprinkling of Maschinen Krieger thrown in!


The legs go ALL the way up on artpants’ Sandpiper! And at the top is a fantastic pile of parts combinations!


Bartosz superbly puts his unique style on the Raubtier, which is nicely balanced between comical and mildly creepy.

Ma.K  Raubtier  a

Now the next three are all great examples of the creative twist you can put on a common source material.

Keith Goldman not only provided the official quote of the Ma.K bricks group, but he also built this awesome HAF Ausfseher.

HAF Aufseher [1/3]

A Yates has been producing a tonne of great stuff, but his Nacht-Kafer really stands out for me. The shapes achieved are just fantastic!

[Ma.K]  Nacht-Käfer

Fateheart FINALLY builds some Maschinen Krieger stuff…and I knew he would do it gloriously…his HAFS Super Gladiator doesn’t disappoint…unless of course you are the one that is being shot at :)

HAFS Super Gladiator

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Nothing like a bespoke suit...

As Ma.Ktober has progressed, the most wonderous thing has happened…builders from all over have been creating Maschinen Krieger hardsuits of all shapes, sizes and colours. Considering that the hardsuits are the most prominent piece of hardware within the universe, it really isn’t surprising that there have been so many this month. But the quality and creative twists taken is certainly a nice surprise. Here are some of my favourites.

Will Page uses the Rebel Vanguard helmets to brilliant effect on his space-based suit.

Ma.K Monday

_Tiler’s Fatboy is wonderfully adorable, I just want to rub it’s little belly. The fact that it is so shiny helps too :)

T05 "Fatboy"

Tim Zarki goes to a larger scale to achieve a fantastically accurate representation of the bad to the bone SAFS Snake Eye.

SAFS Space Type II "Snake Eye"

D-Town Cracka also utilizes the Vanguard helmets, as well as, one of my favourite elements (the Bionicle mask/visor thingamajig) to create this AFS Skinhead…wouldn’t want to face this guy in a snowball fight!


Vincent also goes to a larger scale to build one of my favourite Ma.K suits, the Kauz. The slightly odd colourscheme looks fantastic…and I can’t get enough of hearts!!

Ma.k KAUZ 01

And last but not least, Nate Decastro produced an awesomely creative design in his SAFS Shogun…and presented it in a very Maschinen Kriegery way…

SAFS space-type SHOGUN

I really wish I could feature all the fantastic creations being submitted, but that would possibly be the longest blog post ever. So I will instead urge you all to peruse the brilliance in the Ma.K Bricks pool

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

The beauty of being LEGOLIZED!!!

I sadly have not had the time to neither participate in Ma.Ktoberfest as I had hoped, nor to blog the awesome creations from everyone else. So over the final week of the festivities I will try and make more of an effort to at least rectify the latter by featuring some of my favourites.

First up is LEGOLIZE IT MAN, who has been churning out some absolutely brilliant designs for the build challenge. Both the quality of the models, and the style of presentation have put a huge smile on my face everytime he posts something new.

His latest, the AZ ULF – Moon Bull is wonderfully hulking creation that bristles with a glorious combination of smooth curves and mechanical detail! Delicious stuff!


His Svend Repair Mech is a perfectly haphazard design with some great angles going on.


And lastly, his Moon-Squito has to be one of my favourite models posted this year. It just captures the Maschinen Krieger aesthetic so perfectly!


Please be sure to click through his Ma.Ktoberfest 2012 set to see his other great creations, and alternate views

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