Tag Archives: Lamborghini

Baby Lambo

We’ve seen a few large-scale Lamborghini Gallardo models here on The Brothers Brick over the years, but Mateusz Mikołajczyk (Matix22) goes much smaller. He pulls it off nicely — a challenging feat at this scale.

Lamborghini Gallardo 1

Larwenz’s 1982 Lamborghini Countach

If you were a boy in the 1980s, you probably had some sort of Lamborghini Countach merchandise, be it a poster on your bedroom wall (in James May’s case) or a somewhat more nerdy pencil holder (in mine).

Larwenz takes us back to those days when we could dream of roaring down the open road, squealing to a stop, and stepping out from those distinctive doors.

LEGO Lamborghini Countach model

I think my favorite detail is the turntable base on the white inside of the doors.

Via Klocki.

The Lamborghini Showroom is made for luxury

Firas Abu-Jaber presents his largest project to date: the Lamborghini Showroom, featuring the amazing cars from this talented builder. I like the stylish yet simple appearance of the building, yet the interior is nothing short of detailed. Check out the gallery for close-ups and the builder’s thoughts on this fine creation.

Firas’s Lamborghini Gallardo SE is brilliantly insectile, just like the real car

This lovely Lamborghini Gallardo SE by Firas Abu-Jaber has all the qualities of the real thing, from air intakes on the front and the tail lights that wrap onto the rear hood to functional doors and a detailed interior.

(I hereby resolve to quote or allude to Top Gear whenever I blog a LEGO car. Or at least until I’ve tired of doing so.)

Lamborghini Murciélago

Here’s what Top Gear had to say about the Lamborghini Murciélago:

Makes your eyes bleed and your heart explode with joy. And that’s before you even drive it, at which point you will simply melt and cease to exist in any meaningful fashion.

Fortunately, my eyes aren’t bleeding after seeing this LEGO version by AT94, but the headlights do make my heart explode with joy.

Though we haven’t featured him here before, AT94 is a talented young builder and excellent photographer. Check out the street scene he’s been working on for a while:

Bram Lambrecht’s Lamborghini Renazzo

Bram Lambrecht gives us a Lamborghini Renazzo:

An interesting thing about this car is that it is not made for the traditional lego-figures (the minifigs), but for the larger technic figs. This larger scale has enabled Bram to create some very interesting functionality, such as the fantastic opening mechanism. Very nice touch.

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