Tag Archives: Ed Diment

This brick-built cat is life-sized…and it loves you just as much.

I’m a cat guy. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but they can be a tad needy. That’s why I appreciate the independent streak of a cat. Sometimes you need your pet to go entertain itself for a while, right? You can’t always be hugging and cuddling and… Well, anyway, that’s why this life-size cat LEGO creation by Ed Diment has got me thinking I might need to trade up. Why shouldn’t I have a LEGO cat instead? It takes up the same amount of space as my cat, and it’s got those cute tufts of fur in the ears made from teeth plates. But it doesn’t need to be fed or taken to the vet. And it will shower me with just as much affection as my cat does. Which is to say none. Rascal, I don’t know if you’re reading this, but…I just want to cuddle. Why do you have to hurt me so?


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Yacht else do you want from a LEGO build?

Apparently, Ed Diment doesn’t JUST build 22-foot LEGO aircraft carriers. He also makes yachts, like this one titled “Moonlight.” Ed told one follower that this was a passion build for him, and it shows. The rigging immediately draws focus, from the size to the taut roping, and the limited colors of the yacht play off each other well without becoming dull.

yacht 01

One element that helps this LEGO creation stand out from its peers is that Ed doesn’t just focus on the yacht itself. He includes several minifigures throughout the yacht, letting mini-stories play out from helm to stern.

Moonlight Super Yacht Crew3

On a fun note, our own Ralph Savlesberg helped build the stand that was used for the LEGO yacht. The lettering here is really well done; it looks fluid and contrasts nicely with the black.

Moonlight Super Yacht Sign (by Ralph Savlesberg)

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Blake’s 7 Liberator by Ed Diment

Here’s one for all you readers in the UK. ;-) Doctor Sinister sends word of Ed Diment‘s Liberator spaceship from the classic BBC TV show Blake’s 7.

Making anything that’s not bilaterally symmetrical is a tough challenge, and Ed accomplishes a ship with three nacelles very nicely.

As an American who grew up in Japan, this was the first I’d heard of Blake’s 7, but now I’m intrigued…

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