An intrepid builder: Ed Diment completes 22-foot-long USS Intrepid aircraft carrier

Ed Diment is no stranger to building highly detailed huge models but his USS Intrepid is, I believe, his biggest yet. It’s so big, in fact, that he could never set it all up in his house so it only ever appeared at STEAM 2010. There are so many great details that I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to spot them all.

Task Force STEAM
Photograph by Ian Grieg (Bluemoose) with links to all three ships.

What’s even better is that the Intrepid wasn’t left without an escort. Chris Lee (Babalas Shipyards) also brought along his USS Haggard, Gary Davis (Bricks for Brains) added the USS Pampanito and Ralph Savelsberg (mad_physicist) designed the planes. A superb collaboration.

PS. I realise it’s a bit hard to get an idea of size from these pictures so I’ll add that the Pampanito is 2.44m (8′) long, the Haggard is 2.90m (9.5′) long and the Intrepid is a mind-boggling 6.80m (22’4″) to 6.90m (22’8″) long (Ed tells me he never measured her but guessed from the table size).

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