Tag Archives: ApocaLEGO

Zombie hordes, nuclear annihilation, rising sea levels, the monkeypox — the future doesn’t look too bright for all those smiling LEGO minifigs. But survivors abound in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, entrenched in well-guarded camps or on the road in crazy armored contraptions. Check out all these post-apoc models to see that there is indeed hope for LEGO humanity after all…

Life Below – subterranean post-apoc

We’ve seen a lot of survivor camps and up-armored pickup trucks from ApocaLEGO builders over the years, to the point that we’ve sort of stopped paying attention to the genre. Dillon (Pendragon) takes post-apocalyptic LEGO in an unexpected but completely believable direction — underground.

Life Below

Dillon’s diorama features complex subterranean landscaping that incorporates salvaged structures and even a partially collapsed cavern.

The world has changed, Sensei

There tends to be some comfort in a glimmer of color, a bit of hope in a dark place. Seb Arts has illustrated that beautifully in his recent creation:

I really don’t think words do much justice for this piece, so I will let the photos stand for themselves. You can see more over on MOCpages.

Get To Da Choppa!

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve built anything with my own Lego, but I’m going to post something anyways. I built this light transport helicopter months ago, and have finally managed to get the photos together. I tried to spice things up with a little scene this time, although it may be too little for the helo.

Sparrowhawk Light Attack Helicopter 47

I’m a big fan of tilt-rotors, though I hear this is properly called a tilt-wing. Either way, the tilting adds a fun little activity, when swooshing this thing around.

Building in the bog

Dillon (-Pendragon-) presents a LEGO model with a fresh theme that I can’t put my finger on. The swamp setting and the dark color accents on the building are unusually pleasing, even though the subject portrays decay and a bit of chaos. Despite the absence of action, there seems to be an imminent danger lurking in the water.

It’s pretty much my favorite animal

The Light Infantry Grid Runner (LIGR) is my own take on a future fighting vehicle, in the style of the JLTV. I felt that my Iron Mountain Legion theme needed a small scout vehicle, akin to a Jeep or Humvee. Arguably, the name is a bit of a reach, but once I’d decided to put “Light Infantry” in the name, I couldn’t help but try to name it Liger. While this is a post-apocalyptic theme, every apocalypse has a before-time, and these were clearly designed to run on or across a highway grid girding what would become the wasteland. Yeah, that’s the ticket, it’s a Grid Runner.

I thought that it was important to make it capable, and fun to play with, so I started by building a chasis with suspension. From there, I tried to add the usual visual style of the theme, so the model is a little tall and oversized, and, obviously, dark gray. In further pursuit of playability, I added working doors and tail hatches, and a nest on the roof.

Light Infantry Grid Runner (LIGR) 31

Nice Legs

Théo (Titolian) has built a fantastic little robot. The fishing poles for legs add a great alien bug feel to this creation. He’s also named it in Morse code, which I’ve long forgotten.

... - .-. .. -.. . .-.

Iron Mountain Legion Prowler APC

I’m sure it’s a surprise to see me blog about anything other than our charity auctions right now, but I’m giving it a shot. Here’s an APC for my Iron Mountain Legion military theme. I built and photographed this creation before my son was born in January, and I’m finally managing to get it uploaded.

Prowler APC 08

I built this to compliment the other creations that I’d already built for the theme. I’ve uploaded my initial sketch of the design, and hopefully, you can see a bit of my creative process. I tried to incorporate some of the details I used in the wheeled tank I built for this theme, including a similar front and headlight configuration, and beveled top. I also tried to add some APC functionality, like hatches, and a removable top (which I failed to photograph).

Winter Break

Chris Edwards recently photographed his contribution of BrickFair’s Snowpocalypse layout last year. The abandoned school building covered in cold snow really helps to evoke an eerie feeling.

The Great Emancipator

With my latest creation in the Iron Mountain Legion theme, I wanted to add some levity. It’s a post apocalyptic military force, but I imagine their grip on historical record might be a bit lacking.

Linear Neuralnet Cyborg unit 1 (LNC-1)  04

I imagine them recovering a prewar robot, and deciding to turn it into an inspirational tool, as well as a weapon. I also just thought that the idea of a robot Lincoln was hilarious, and once I thought of it, I had to build it. The name, of course, adds to the joke, Linear Neuralnet Cyborg 1 (LNC-1).

The City of Angels lies in ruins

Brian (Âtin) uses microscale buildings and mountains in the background to create a fantastic forced-perspective diorama.

Alas, Los Angeles

Don’t miss Brian’s behind-the-scenes shots showing some interesting techniques for the road in particular.

Girlpocalypse Now

I’m back from BrickCon, and ready to unveil the only new creation I’ve built since July. I had the funky idea to build this one evening, and actually had the time to do so. I figured that the post-apocalypse building scene could use a little more levity, and what’s better than cheerleaders to bring some cheer? Of course, I had to try to build a stereotypical cheerleader vehicle, which pretty much had to be an open top jeep or a VW cabrio. Then I added the legs, to make it more interesting, as well as ridiculous.

Cheerleader Battle Mecha-Jeep 04

At the behest of a friend, I brought the creation to BrickCon, and took photos of it on as many cool creations as I could manage. I didn’t anticipate the big response it got, so don’t be surprised to see some more girls of the apocalypse from me (nurses anyone?).

Post Apocostrich!

I’ve seen quite a few humorous uses of the ostrich head, but this robo-bird by Stuart Delahay is taking things to the next level. The backstory on MOCpages is quite hilarious as well, you should check it out.