Tag Archives: Blair Archer

Little big horns for your Krampus

The new LEGO x Target collection has delivered some remarkably fun pieces. The Snow Character kit, ostensibly for building a snowman, includes human-sized versions of a handful of elements, and fans are already taking advantage of them in unique ways. This build by Blair Archer incorporates the giant-sized horns to create a Krampus head just in time for Christmas. The glow in the dark eyes round out the build giving it an otherworldly glow. Hope you haven’t been naughty this year!

If you’re interested in the LEGO x Target collection big pieces, be sure to check out Tom Alphin’s excellent review over at Brick Architect.

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This massive mech is ready to do some serious damage

LEGO builder Blair Archer has created this fantastic model, armed with a mixture of cannons, missile launchers, Gatling guns and more. The build has an aggressive, militaristic appearance which is reminiscent of the mechs featured in the Metal Gear franchise. The huge missile launchers at the shoulders appear to be using red projectiles, from the Bionicle Mahri sets, as rockets. In order to create the Gatling guns at the centre of the model, Blair has cleverly used tyres stretched around bar parts. The central laser or camera is represented by the reverse side of a lipstick piece, creating a fearsome retical.

Interstellar Defense Corps T-REX

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The six-legged paleontologist

This bright blue Tachikoma-like mech by Blair Archer is affectionately known as the S.P.I.D.E.R. despite it having two fewer legs than members of the arachnid family. However, it makes more sense when you learn that stands for Solar-Powered Interstellar Drone for Extraterrestrial Research, which explains the multitude of solar panels, which Blair cleverly co-opted from Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter. But as incredible as the mech is, I might be even more interested in the buried fossil. Look closely, and you’ll see that it’s LEGO too, made of a variety of Bionicle and Hero Factory pieces!

S.P.I.D.E.R First Mission Findings

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