Tag Archives: BattleTech

Bringing LEGO back into game night

Are you ready to play? Builder Pascal shows us how LEGO and board gaming can coexist as the ultimate game night. What was once an assortment of bricks is now a modular custom tile strategy game. A mix of grass, water, rocks and mountains can be created by filling in various parts of the map. The fact that I can recreate the terrain after every batch is fantastic, assuring no game is the same.

Modular Terrain

Pascal says the inspiration for this creation was found in the 1984 game BattleTech. I’m thrilled to see each 2×2 tile piece has a single stud in the middle to balance my robot warriors. This will definitely come in handy since everyone knows you’ll need to stay on the high ground if you’re going to win at this game.

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Two tickets to the (noun) show

Back by no demand at all is another Brothers Brick post done up Mad Libs style. You can fill in the words and show us your finished renditions in the comments. LEGO (noun) Goth Bricks 2000 has whipped up a battlemech (adverb) called Revenant Sisterhood RD-8 Redeemer. The project took (amount of time) to finish and is using some (adjective) parts usage, especially around the (part of the body) area. A fumbled (website) order made it so this mech has one red “knee” which the builder is quite (adjective) about. Goth Bricks wanted to build a mech that could both walk and (verb) and even (famous person) would agree that this was a/an (adjective) move. I particularly like the yellow (plural noun) and the (adjective) use of black and gray. I can’t wait to see what other (plural noun) Goth Bricks comes up with. In the meantime, here is a slew of (plural noun) built by others.

Revenant Sisterhood RD-8 Redeemer

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A chicken walker worth clucking about

LEGO mecha builders draw their inspiration from all across popular culture sources, like movies, anime, and especially video games. While mecha has very deep roots in Japanese culture, and in the writings of Jules Verne, and H.G.Wells, the 1984 BattleTech (originally Battle Droids) could be considered one of the original mecha franchise to inspire modern LEGO creators to build machines piloted by humans. And that is where Kevin Hansen turned for inspiration when building this model.

Battletech (Mechwarrior) Uziel Combo

Built using a variety of curved white parts, the mech is very accurate to its source material, and this is one walker you do not want stepping on your picnic. Besides cannons on each arm, there is a missile battery mounted behind the pilot’s compartment that will make it rain fire.

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Reactor online, sensors online, weapons online

1984’s BattleTech brought the mech designs of Japanese anime crashing into Western table-top gaming. Two years later, MechWarrior expanded the universe into a wider role-playing game. These two games were responsible for introducing a whole generation to the glorious concept of giant mechanical walkers shooting at one another. Kale Frost has put together a cracking LEGO version of the Timber Wolf mech — the series’ signature design. The details are spot-on with the upper body slewing to the left on spindly legs whilst missiles burst into the air from the shoulder-mounted pods. All systems nominal.

LEGO Mecha

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