2020 LEGO Advent Calendars, Day 8

Happy holidays to all of our fellow LEGO builders! As is tradition, we at The Brothers Brick will be opening our advent calendars as we count down to Christmas. We’ll also be sharing commentary on each one, which will be both insightful and hilarious!

LEGO Advent Calendar

This year we have new Harry Potter, Star Wars, City and Friends advent calendars to open. We will be sharing images of the new calendars every day through Christmas, and hope that you’ll join us! Let’s see what there is to open on Day 8.

From the Harry Potter advent calendar, we found a couch with a golden egg. And from Star Wars, the classic X-wing starfighter.

LEGO Advent Calendar

CJ: Not being into Potter lore, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on with the couch/egg thing. Toe me it looks like something from Willy Wonka, and that’s pretty good. I’m sure that golden egg will come in handy for someone’s MOC somewhere. The X-Wing looks good, particularly with that double slope tile on the nose.

Benjamin: The golden egg goes well with the Triwizard tournament theme of the calendar, as it was what Harry had to steal from the Horntail and open for the next clue, and I always love a good couch. And that’s a good X-Wing, too, though I did not know they laid eggs…

Lino: I’m so thrilled I wanna jump on this rent-to-own sofa with a juice box! OK, that was a stretch. Sorry. I’ll just let myself out.

Bart: Who would place an egg on a couch? That is asking for trouble!

City and Friends gave us a Christmas tree and a toy workstation, respectively. They look really fun, but what did our esteemed panelists think?

LEGO Advent Calendar

Benjamin: Wow, decent builds from these calendars? A good day.

CJ: In a shocking turn of events, both City and Friends have something fun today. Normally I’d expect the annual Christmas tree to show up on day 20 or so. Having it appear this early will give a much more festive feel to the display for the rest of the month. The Friends “Whack a Duck” game station is a surprisingly violent addition to…oh. Wait. I bet the elves are making toys. Well, it’s still cute, and having an extra rubber duckie is a nice plus.

Bart: I like the Christmas tree design, especially the use of the Fez headgear for the stem, but the friends set has a rubber ducky. And it is on wheels, which might be an Easter egg to the wooden duck on wheels toy released by LEGO in the way back whens.

Lino: Some ideas start with a Christmas tree, a mallet and a rubber duck. I didn’t say they were good ideas. Just ideas.

That’s all for today, folks. We hope you laughed with us as much as we were laughing at ourselves. These builds were really fun to put together, so come back tomorrow to join us for another advent building session on Day 9.

2020 LEGO Advent Calendars Day 72020 LEGO Advent Calendars Day 9 >

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3 comments on “2020 LEGO Advent Calendars, Day 8

  1. Jenny

    OMG! My child cannot get this Christmas tree together, and neither can I! Will some please put the directions on here? We can’t get the gray middle pieces to align with the green slots. Thank you!

  2. Purple Dave

    The rule is five plates height for every two studs of length. In this case, the trunk of the tree is the “height” part, and the wedge plates are the “length”. I don’t have this Advent Calendar, but the trunk should be, from base to tip, the 2×2 round plate w/ 1 stud, the fez, the first 1×1 brick w/ studs on 4 sides, _TWO_ 1×1 plates* (probably round, because it makes things simpler), the second 1×1 brick w/ studs on 4 sides, and the 1×1 round brick that peeks out of the top. Tipped on its side, this gives you the equivalent of a 1×3 with the center stud missing. The wedge plates should be attached so the short edge is horizontal, and the second longest edge is flush with the side of the trunk. The studs should be located behind the ring of lights and the lowest ring of cheese wedges. If you work clockwise, the previous wedge plate will give you a backstop to line up the next one until you’ve added all four.

    *the most likely problem is you’ve got three 1×1 plates in the center of the stack. One of those is extra, and will throw the geometry out of whack if you accidentally slipped it in there. A less likely problem is that you’re trying to attach the wedge plates tipped the wrong way, or centered on the trunk instead of sticking out to the left.

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