Tag Archives: Undead

An undead LEGO army marches on Skaerbaek Fan Weekend

This past weekend, LEGO fans from all over the world converged on Skaerbaek, Denmark for the ultimate builder gathering (that also happens to be in LEGO HQ’s metaphorical backyard). Builder and LEGO designer Wes Talbott featured this fantastic horde of baddies at the Fan Weekend, about to pass through their nerco-powered portal to attack their sworn foe, the Moon Elves. The intricacies of the portal are spectacular, from the organics growing out of its side to the stone dragon heads sitting atop it. But my favorite part has got to be Wes’s integration of bones and skulls into the structure, using the 1×1 round plate with bar. The part really gives those skeletal minifig heads a jaunty slant, evoking the makeshift/natural/ritualistic nature of goblin magic. But don’t let the glowing green gateway distract you from the brilliantly-crafted army surrounding it. Specifically, that big, boney behemoth in the background is a masterclass in character creation and choice part usage.

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Chilled to the bone

Nope. Absolutely not. If I have to fight the undead in the snow, I’ll gladly take a White Walker over this nightmare fuel. Inspired by a wendigo and his own original sketch, builder Andrew Steele brings us a model to match the season. This skeletal monstrosity is a mix of human, bear, wolf, and moose bones corrupted by evil ice magic. Behold the terrifying Kraatokk.

Kraatokk (Corrupted)

Much like most of Andrew’s builds, this massive creature makes use of Technic and LEGO System pieces to achieve its size and detail. Though the faux fur isn’t a “legal” LEGO piece, it works well with the character design by framing the wonderfully creepy, fanged skull. The antlers also add that perfect cryptid quality. I love the bits of green stuck to it like moss or vines from the undergrowth.

Kraatokk (Corrupted)

The back illustrates the length and stature of this spindly beast’s limbs. As large as it is, it requires some help from a stand to stay up. Andrew did well with this, constructing a base to match the model’s mystic, eldritch vibes. The translucent blue carcass at Kraatokk’s feet compliments the blue orb you can see above in his unnatural double rib cage.

Kraatokk (Corrupted)

If scary is your thing, check out some more horrifying builds. You’re sure to find something creepy to get you in the Halloween spirit.

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Undead Cowboy Nightmare

This spooky fellow has a bone to pick. Revan New’s Prairie King has a haunting form thanks to the creative use of pieces which make up the skull. Minifigure arms and Exo Force arms shape the model’s striking cheeking bones. Clip pieces clasp claw parts, portraying realistic looking teeth at the front. To top that off, the hat appears to be a wheel with the tyre inversed around its centre spoke. The grey coat also has some nice angling created by a variation of slope pieces. As you finally gaze into the soulless eyes, you might spot some harry potter wands used for pupils. The end result is a beautifully sculpted model which has a creepy appearance, ready for Halloween.

Prairie king

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