Although the Disneyland attraction Adventure Thru Inner Space was torn down in 1985 I can still hear the narrator like it was yesterday: “For centuries, man had but his own two eyes to explore the wonders of his world, then he invented the microscope, a mighty eye, and discovered the fantastic universe beyond the limits of his own meager sight. Now your adventure thru inner space has begun. Thru Monsanto’s Mighty Microscope, you will travel into the incredible universe found within a tiny fragment of a snowflake. I am the first person to make this fabulous journey, suspended in the timelessness of inner space are the thought waves of my first impressions. They will be our only source of contact once you have passed beyond the limits of normal MAGNIFICATION… MAGNIFICATION.. MAGNIFICATION. MAGNIFICATION!”
This mighty microscope is brought to you by Brasilian Gilcelio Chagas, whose interview you can check out here, if you missed it.

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