Ah, Banthas. Glorious space creatures. Portrayed by elephants during the filming of Star Wars (1977) they serve as mounts for the fearsome Tusken Raiders, natives of Tatooine. And now they are ridden by a certain helmeted fan-favourite character, minus the helmet (and the character that never was.) This small desert diorama by KevFett2011 (no relation) showcases a scene from the first episode of new Star Wars series The Book of Boba Fett.
Here, an armourless Boba Fett is held hostage by Tusken Raiders, shortly after his returning from his apparent death in Return of the Jedi. He is dragged behind a Bantha, too weak to fight back, and having to walk in shame and humiliation. Look how they massacred my boy. The badassest badass that ever badassed, reduced to a wimp.
Well, standing around in the original trilogy and dying like a wimp will do that to you. Being brought back to life by fan service will do that to you. Not to mention being inside the Sarlacc Pit could have killed him… again.
As for being the Tuskens’ hostage, that is the start of Boba’s current story. In a Dune x Fast & Furious crossover I’ve always wanted, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery by joining a tribe of Tuskens and protecting their ancestral territories against the power vacuum left behind by Jabba the Hutt’s demise.
Perhaps on the way he will discover something valuable he has always lacked: personality and character. At least in the original trilogy.