Come in and have a seat, build your own chair [Instructions]

Making LEGO furniture that meets the needs of your minifigures usually means utilising some of the smaller, more fiddly LEGO parts.  Sarah Beyer has created some beautiful LEGO homes, each furnished for the most discerning of minifigures. There are instructions for three different chairs that feature in Cocoa Jungle Cottage and House on Striped Pillars. So take a relaxing seat in a comfy looking armchair…once you have built it of course!

House on Striped Pillars reading chair

Arm chair instructions (House on Striped Pillars MOC)

As well as the armchair, you can also build a patio chair or a a low-backed kitchen chair depending on your need to relax with a cocktail or eat a meal.

Chair (House on Striped Pillars MOC)

Chair instructions (Cocoa Jungle Cottage MOC)

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