Brickfilmers Nathan Wells, Nikolas Jaeger, Jonathan Schlaepfer, James Maduzia, featured in The Daily Telegraph

I woke up this morning to find out from YouTube user kidrobotcp that The Daily Telegraph has featured an article about brickfilmers.   You can read the article here.

Also check out the brickfilms mentioned in the article:
The Letter
by James Maduzia
The Crucible – Trailer & Night of the Tater by Nikolas Jaeger
Unsound by Nathan Wells

Also check out my Making Unsound Documentary, also mentioned in the article:

That was Part 1. Check out the rest of the series on YouTube:

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3 comments on “Brickfilmers Nathan Wells, Nikolas Jaeger, Jonathan Schlaepfer, James Maduzia, featured in The Daily Telegraph

  1. Andrew

    Congratulations, Nathan! It’s great to see brickfilming get more exposure like this.

    (And I embedded the first video for you — still not sure why WordPress is preventing you from doing it.)

  2. Littlebrick

    Oh, he’s been in one other news article about Brickfilming, and had his film all over the iCaught segment. Fame is old news for Nathan.

    I have yet to appear in the limelight though.

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