Tag Archives: Dungeons

Enter the LEGO D&D dungeon at BrickCon, if you dare!

One of the things I enjoy most about this wonderful LEGO hobby is the people I get to collaborate with on projects. And this year at BrickCon, I have the good fortune to participate in a massive Dungeons & Dragons project with so many talented builders. For the last 5 months, all 24 of us have been working independently on our own rooms for a mega-dungeon, both large and small ones. And I guess builder Doug Hughes stopped reading after “large.” In his intricately-designed room, he’s housed a fearsome lava centipede being controlled by a group of dark elves. The lighting is splendid, the design appropriately ornate, and the technique on the monster gets Volothamp’s seal of approval for sure! Let’s hope our band of adventurers can get past before it escapes its bonds.

Dungeon of the Dark Elves

And in case you’re wondering what I contributed, I guess I can give you a peek at that below. I wanted to go for something that felt a bit more like a “finale.” Anyone care to roll for initiative? And as for the rest of the dungeon, you’ll have to head to BrickCon or look out for pics from the convention after next weekend of the whole thing assembled and on display.

Cackle, boil, battle and foil

It’s nice when LEGO creations tell a story. Larsvader’s latest scene does exactly that. Whether you read the narrative he’s provided in the description or not, the story seems clear: a witch planned on having some children over for dinner, but Lady Megan has come to stop her. The story is framed nicely by walls and a floor made of varying shapes and shades of gray bricks.
Lady Megan
Furthermore, there are plenty of supporting details that help enrich the scene and enhance the story. For example, the skeletons imply the witch has killed before. One can only wonder what potions and sorcery are contained in the jars and spell books. The chained up man implies that perhaps this isn’t the first rescue attempt, or maybe he’s Lady Megan’s lover and the true treasure of her quest. What’s next in store for Lady Megan, the man, the children, and the witch?

Beware the Denizens of the Underdark

You may recognize the style of David Zambito‘s work as we have featured his awesome bear-faced giant and Bilbo’s encounter with Smaug. This time he as presented us with Traversing The Underdark. For those unfamiliar with Dungeons and Dragons, the Underdark is “a vast subterranean realm inhabited by sinister creatures. It is a place where few humans go and from where even fewer return.”

Traversing The Underdark

David has captured the airy otherworldliness with stalactites, stalagmites, suitably creepy blackened water, and fantastic flora and fungi — I love the hair pieces as spooky tendrils on the larger mushrooms and the subtle streaks of rusty color accenting the rocks throughout. I would wish the adventurers a safe journey, although I have my doubts they will receive one.

Two Heads are Double the Trouble

The old saying says that “Two heads are better than one”. I don’t think that is the case with this Ettin by Letranger Absurde. I think two head make for more trouble than one when it comes to giants, at least in my personal experience. Yours may be different. I really like how the two heads have different looks and personalities though. Very nice touch. This two-headed Ugly was built for the Mixels D&D contest. Get your out googly eyes and build some beasties!
