Tag Archives: Star Trek

These are the voyages...

40 years ago today, the first five-year mission of the starship Enterprise began. Five television series, ten movies, and many books and video games later, Star Trek is still boldly going. Brendon Griffith celebrates with a microscale model of the N.C.C. 1701 U.S.S. Enterprise.

An unknown builder celebrates the wise words of Spock with this sculpture.

Redshirts Never Survive Away Missions!

I hadn’t planned on making any minifigs based on Star Trek the original series, nor ones from Deep Space Nine, so I’m glad that Steve Bishop has created both!

On an away mission, here’s Lt. Spock, Capt. James T. Kirk, Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, and the soon-to-be-deceased (I assume) Lt. D. E. Adman:

Captain Kirk is awesome!!!

Here’s the crew from Deep Space Nine, Chief Miles E. O’Brian, Capt. Benjamin Sisko, Lt. Jadzia Dax, and Dr. Julian Bashir:

Star Trek: The Next Generation Minifigs

Here’s my non-decal take on the crew of NCC-1701-D Enterprise (click for full photoset on Flickr:

L to R: Deanna Troi, Worf, Data, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, Will Riker, Geordi LaForge, and Wesley Crusher.

Edit (6/10/06): I forgot to include my Borg drones when I first posted this:

Borg Drones