Tag Archives: Fisherman

Hook, line, and A-frame

True story: back in college, my friends and I had a running joke about my evil twin Lyle. We certainly had more in common than the Nordic fisherman Lyle in this LEGO construction by Carter Witz. The rich brown wood, dark green leaves, and deep blue water stand in stark contrast to all the snow in this scene. I love the scattered patches of white amid the fir branches and on top of the house, as well as the rime-covered plants poking up out of the wintry blanket. But my favorite part has to be Carter’s expert use of the gaps between plates and tiles on the A-frame. We’re able to make out every board used to construct its roof, walls, and door as a result. It’s an expert technique that provides an amount of reality to this plastic scene.

Lyle the Fisherman

The river bends towards this little round house

Builder Auctobre has crafted a delightful vignette of a fisherman returning home with his daily catch. The beauty in this build is how everything seems to twist and curve in some way; from the roof of the cottage to the trunk of the neighboring tree, and even the small dock. It’s a combination of techniques that make the scene feel organic and alive.

Episode 1 • Ektor the Humble

Studded seas and sea studs

Here at The Brothers Brick we love smart building techniques. Our hearts start beating a little bit faster when we see a LEGO part used in a clever way. But clever and smart do not always mean complex. Andrea Lattanzio shows us that sometimes simple is the way to go with their 1×1 round plate sea.

Theo's Trabuchet fishing hut

While it’s not a new technique, using different colours to create waves is a real nice touch. Making the house in the same vibrant colour as the ocean is a nice way to draw attention away from the bright sea and towards the detailed little house. Plus the bright colour of the house highlights all the earth-toned details around the house. If the house was earth-toned too, those little details wouldn’t stand out as much as they do now. However, the simple studded sea is probably one of the only simple techniques used in this creation. Andrea also built a trabucco, which is an ancient fishing machine from the east coast of Italy. This build looks like it is defying gravity and I truly wonder how sturdy it is. It looks so fragile with those thin legs. I can’t help but wonder how many times the legs collapsed when Andra made alterations to the platform on top. Or maybe the legs were added as the final step to the build to prevent this from happening.